Continue to search for Renoir Raiders


After the theft of fireworks, the Vienna police continue to search for three suspects who stole a valuable Renoir painting Monday night at the Vienna Dorotheum.

"Some information has been received," a spokesman for the Viennese police said on Thursday. "The investigations are now also international," he said.

According to the survey, three strangers entered Monday at 17:15 in the Dorotheum, in the city center of Vienna. They may have deliberately gone to Pierre August Renoir's second-floor landscape paintings, which should have come during the auction scheduled for Wednesday night for clbadic modernism under the hammer.

The perpetrators have simply released the art work of the ordinary, setting off a silent alarm. The latter was not confirmed or rejected by the police. When the police learned of the coup and arrived at the scene, the aliens and their prey had disappeared. He should have worked with professionals.

The suspects were captured by surveillance cameras. The pictures show three sportsmen, two of whom are carrying larger shopping bags. It is not known if Renoir's painting was stored in this one and borrowed from the Dorotheum.

According to the police, it is certain that the suspects left the building through different exits. Information – also of a confidential nature – is requested from Landeskriminalamt Wien, EB6, at telephone number 01-31310-33640. The estimated value of landscape painting created in 1895 and measuring 27 x 40 centimeters is between 120,000 and 160,000 euros.

Photographs of the three alleged perpetrators could be recorded on a surveillance camera.


Photographs of the three alleged perpetrators could be recorded on a surveillance camera.

Source: APA

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