Cooperation with Hungary is further intensified


Burgenland and Hungary intensify their cooperation. In Budapest, Governor Hans Niessl (SPÖ) and Hungarian State Secretary Magyar signed an agreement on Wednesday.

Levente Magyar is Secretary of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. On the basis of this agreement, concrete and sustainable projects and initiatives should be implemented and the border area should be further developed in terms of transport infrastructure.

Important cooperation for the region

"For years Burgenland and Hungary have been working together in a functional and results-oriented way. I am therefore very pleased to have signed this agreement in Budapest, which is of great importance for the development of cross-border activities between Burgenland and Hungary, which is of great importance for this region, as a Europe common needs common ways. This will benefit our neighborhood relations, and this will benefit the citizens, which will benefit the economic development of this region, "said Niessl.

<img src =" /site/oeka/20180728/n2.5773766.jpg "alt =" LH Hans Niessl and Levente Magyar, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade [19659006] Burgenland. Landesmedienservice

Governor Hans Niessl (SPÖ) and Levente Magyar, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, signing the agreement

The agreement has 5 points: It cooperates closely the preparation, preparation and implementation of cross-border projects to achieve the objectives identified in a study on transport and ways to create a well-connected border region. The second point is to prepare cross-border railway projects. In addition, the European Union is invited to support these projects. Similarly, new opportunities for cooperation in the fields of health, tourism, culture and education, but also at the municipal level, are to be explored.

The next meeting between Levente Magyar and Niessl is scheduled for this year. At the invitation of the governor, the state secretary will visit Burgenland and visit various institutions, such as Oberwart's Bilingual High School.

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