Country scolding for national child care plans «


On Monday, federal states released their joint statement on the federal government's plans for child care. There is a lack of understanding of the expected reduction in funding while increasing demand for the Länder. This was the message from Burgenland, where the state's position was coordinated in the office of the state councilor responsible Verena Dunst (SPÖ). Three federal states led by the ÖVP – Salzburg, Tyrol and Lower Austria – have not joined the statement.

According to the draft federal-state agreement, the federal government plans to endow the Länder with 110 million euros by 2022 – or 32.5 million euros less than the last. That would mean a reduction of more than 22%, according to the Dunst office. The Länder of Burgenland, Carinthia, Upper Austria, Styria, Vorarlberg and Vienna reject this reduction while increasing requirements.

Because federal plans have a much higher administrative burden, higher and sometimes inaccessible requirements. "Result: Another point of criticism of countries: The federation refers to basic documents, which are partly unknown – or even not yet exist." Criteria for obtaining federal funds from the agreement [15a-] are completely impracticable and must be withdrawn, "state states unanimously:" Unrealizable goals, overly bureaucratic regulations and obsessive instruments of control are not effective. "19659004] Criticism of the prohibition of scarf in kindergarten

Critical, the federal states also consider the prohibition of the headscarf in the children's gardens.We see it "with skepticism." On the one hand, because that there has not yet been an in-depth review of such a constitutional compliance rule; on the other hand, the relevance in elementary pedagogical practice is not self-evident, says the release

Countries are also dissatisfied with the fact that the federal government is conducting negotiations on primary education for the years 2018/19 to 2021/22 with those of a change of teachers. -Control of regulation connects. Such a Junktimierung is rejected in the sense of an "indispensable quality argument". "A mix of elementary and academic issues in the negotiations are rejecting countries," he added. Lower Austria against "polemics"

Must be negotiated between the federal and state, as the three-year agreements on the 2018 children's gardens expire: for the development of child care institutional, those for the last year free kindergarten and those for the promotion of language – the latter two already in late August. As a result, Dunst called on the federal government on Monday to "return to the bargaining table as soon as possible". She proposed an extension of the agreements beyond the month of August in order to avoid a "legal vacuum".

Burgenland, in its capacity as the chairman of the Landeshauptleutenkonferenz, transmitted its opinion to the Federal Government, on the basis of which the Ministry of Family Affairs if negotiations are to be pursued politically or at the level of the civil service. Lower Austrian Education Councilor Christiane Teschl-Hofmeister (ÖVP) justified Lower Austria's rejection of public opinion by stating that "polemics are out of place" in the prospect of ongoing negotiations

. (Red./APA)

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