Crime: Three killed and twelve wounded during a shooting in Toronto


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  Police officer on the scene in Toronto   Police officer on the scene in Toronto

Police officer on the scene in Toronto

Source: AFP

Sagittarius dies after an exchange of fire with the police

D Three months after a thunderbolt, the Canadian metropolis of Toronto was again struck by violence: three people were killed in a shooting Sunday evening and twelve were wounded. Among the dead was also the alleged perpetrator, who was found dead according to investigators after a shootout with the police. The motive was initially unclear

The 22-year-old striker had fired several times on groups of people at 22:00 local time, on Danforth Avenue, in the Greek district , Monday announced special investigators. The police had put the man at a crossroads where there had been a shootout. Then the man escaped and was found dead on Danforth Avenue.

Special investigators are involved in the investigation because, initially, it was not known whether the gunman had been shot by the police or had committed suicide.

Toronto Police Chief Mark Saunders said on Sunday night (local time) that a young woman had been killed and that a girl was in danger of dying. He spoke of 13 victims.

Residents reported a series of shootings, followed by shouts of people fleeing. "There was a lot of shooting, they fired, then there was a break, then new shots, and then another break," said The Globe and Mail, John Tulloch, who was walking in the area. moment of the crime. "It must have been 20, 30 shots, that was a lot, we just ran."

Andreas Mantzios, another witness, told Global News that the attacker was targeting a young woman with his gun

A man dressed in black appeared in a man dressed in black who went to a restaurant and shot out the window, he told Radio Canada Radio.

Canada's Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, said in the Twitter Short Message Service that he was thinking of the victims of the "tragedy that took place on Danvorth Avenue last night".

Toronto Mayor John Tory spoke of a "tragedy". He called on the locals to rest and advised him to wait for the results of the investigation and refrain from speculating on the motive. The law shows that Toronto has a gun problem, he told reporters. Too many people are too close to guns.

The Toronto police had just released a plan to reduce gun violence in recent weeks. Among other things, about 200 additional police officers are to be hired, who patrol especially at night and in particularly precarious areas.

Gun violence is not as serious a problem in Canada as it is in the United States. However, in Toronto, Canada's largest city, there have been more than 200 shootings this year, including about two dozen fatalities.

Toronto was shattered by a brutal amok in April: a man had a full van The speed drove on the busy Yonge Street sidewalk in downtown Toronto. Ten people were killed and more than a dozen others injured. The abuser may have acted out of grudge against women.

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