Critical media are "over" for Bolsonaro


04.11.2018 22.18

Online since yesterday, 22:18

Shortly after his election, the future Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro announced a hard line against the critical press. When asked yesterday in a television interview he would respect the freedom of the press, including that of his main critic, the newspaper "Folha de S.Paulo," said Bolsonaro.

With respect to government advertising, newspapers like these, shameless, can not count on government support.

Media before the financial bottleneck

The budget allocated to state media advertising, which he will control in the future, is about half a billion dollars. For many Brazilian media, the financial situation could be difficult in the coming years.

Bolsonaro was already engaged in the election campaign against the press. He described the investigation reports as false reports from a corrupt institution. Like US President Donald Trump, he rose up against "Fake News". His supporters attacked critical journalists and journalists.

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