Criticism of the Minister of Social Affairs «


Vienna. The statement of the Minister of Social Affairs Beate Hartinger-Klein (FPÖ) caused a sensation. The reason was the minister's presence on the TV channel oe24, in which she wondered if people could live with 150 euros a month, he said. We are going despite the planned reduction of the minimum income "can live", said Hartinger Klein. At the interviewer's remark, "if you can live with 150 euros", she replied: "If you still get the apartment, then of course."

Criticism came from SPÖ Federal Director Max Lercher. The "blue insocial minister" has no idea of ​​the reality of the life of the people. "One has to wonder more and more about what makes Hartinger-Klein really professional.Because with" social "the speeches of the so-called social minister have absolutely nothing to do," criticized the representative of the According to Statistik Austria, the current poverty risk threshold for a household of one person is 1238 euros per month.

Ex-Minister v. Minister

On Thursday, the SPÖ also Minister of the Status of Women Juliane Bogner-Strauß (ÖVP), who was "overwhelmed", said Gabriele Heinisch-Hosek, who had been Minister of Women until 2016. We should not not allow that there are women's organizations 700 000 euros less, said Heinisch-Hosek.The money was needed for the political concerns of women remain present: "The cuts are used to make disappear the women's politics and to no longer realize their concerns It's very reprehensible, because it has a system in right-wing conservative governments, "Heinisch-Hosek said. (APA)

("Die Presse", printed edition, 27.07.2018)

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