Criticism of Vilimsky after Juncker's attack


The head of the OVP delegation to the European Parliament, Othmar Karas, reacted strongly to the resignation of his FPÖ colleague Harald Vilimsky to the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, calling him " unworthy of a party in power ". "Vilimsky must apologize to Juncker or there must be consequences," demanded Karas in a statement submitted to APA on Friday

"This is beyond the scope of political debate, lack of style and is unworthy of a ruling party ". Previously, SpÖ spokesperson Jörg Leichtfried reacted strongly to the FPÖ Secretary General's "incredible derailment" and called for his resignation. "As the ruling party's general secretary, FPÖ, Vilimsky has reached an unknown level so far: Austria is now the presidency of the EU, and someone like Vilimsky can no longer to be in its place from the point of view of the government ".

Hahn: "Unacceptable Violation"

European Commissioner Johannes Hahn has strongly reprimanded FPÖ Secretary General Harald Vilimsky for his call for the resignation of Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker. Vilimsky's comments were an "unacceptable violation of people's respect," Hahn said Friday at APA. "Mr Vilimsky's excuses are the least we can expect."

"Disdaining obviously acute health problems is an unacceptable violation of people's respect, which also applies to political debate," Hahn said. Recalling that Vilimsky had written of a "staggering" Juncker making "all the European Union laughable".

"Series of Obvious Problems of Alcohol"

Vilimsky had reports on the "staggering" President of the European Commission Wednesday's NATO summit was an opportunity to ask the resignation of Mr Juncker. The appearance of Juncker "makes the whole of the European Union ridiculous and in a very difficult overall situation for the EU," said the politician of the FPÖ, pointing out that in recent years "a number of obvious problems of alcohol "in Ex Luxembourg

The spokesman for Juncker rejected speculation related to the incident on Wednesday. Juncker, who has suffered from sciatica for a while, has had a "sharp cramp". "In my opinion, it is more than unpleasant for some media to make headlines and take advantage of President Juncker's pain, I do not think it's elegant, and I do not think it's fair," said the spokesman. Commission word Margaritis Schinas on speculation about alcohol.

AfD also asked for resignation

Vilimsky was not alone in his call to resign. For example, the party and parliamentary leaders of the populist right "Alternative für Deutschland" (AfD) called for the resignation of the Commission President. The AFD deputy, Martin Reichart, spoke of a "tragedy" around the "apparently drunk president of the European Commission". Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {
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