Cyberattacks: the United States accuses twelve Russian agents


Twelve Russian intelligence officials are accused of hacking during the US election campaign. The Democrats demanded the cancellation of the Trump meeting with President Putin. His counsel rejected the allegations.

US special envoy Robert Mueller filed a complaint against Donald Trump, twelve Russian intelligence agents accused of interfering with hacking attacks in the US presidential election of 2016. said Deputy Minister of Justice Rod Rosenstein. Rosenstein Faces the Mueller Investigation

The Democratic Computer Attacked

Specifically, the computers of the American Democrats and Electoral Camp were hacked by Donald Trump's opponent, Hillary Clinton . With accusations against intelligence officials, US justice badumes that the Russian military is behind the Hackriffriffen that had become known as "DCLeaks" and "Guccifer 2.0". The previous badumptions that could put the Americans or a Romanian hacker behind, are so obsolete.

The accusation only comes a few days before Trump meets Monday with Russian President Vladimir Putin at a summit in Helsinki. Rosenstein said that he had informed Trump earlier this week.

Democrats call for cancellation of Putin meeting

Trump announced plans to respond to Putin's alleged Russian cyber attacks shortly before the release of the new charges. He would raise this issue "with absolute determination," he badured. However, Trump repeatedly questioned the findings of US investigators that Russia supports pirate attacks.

Democrats demand more than tackling the subject: as long as Putin does not take "verifiable and transparent measures" to forego future elections, Trump would have to give up meeting with him, demanded the Senate Democrats' leader, Chuck Schumer. Similar statements were made by other Democrats.

However, Trump spokeswoman Sarah Sanders has already stated that the meeting will proceed as planned.

Rejection of Moscow

Russian leaders reiterated that they had not intervened I do not intend to do it either. Opponents of a Russian-US rapprochement have abused this issue, said Foreign Policy Adviser Vladimir Putin Yuri Ushakov. "If the Americans have facts, we will examine them, as our President has repeatedly said" after Tbad. The issue could also be discussed in a joint cyber-avoidance working group.

Given the bad relationship, it would be a success of the meeting in Helsinki if both parties were willing to "clean the debris," said Ushakov. Putin wants Trump to make proposals for economic cooperation. It will also be about Syria. The Kremlin sees Trump not as opponents of Putin, but as a "partner in the talks that can be pursued."

Deutschlandfunk reported on this subject on July 13, 2018 at 19:00.

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