Damm temporarily sealed – Gailtal Journal OnlineGailtal Journal Online


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Gail in the river bed

Waidegg – Since yesterday Sunday, November 4 at 8 am, the Gail returns to the bed of the river. Federal army soldiers managed to temporarily seal the broken Gailbridge Waidegg Dam.

Since yesterday, Sunday, November 4th, the Gail amazes in her bed of origin© kk

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Thank goodness, the rain of the last days has not caused any damage yet.

The army in action

Dangerous work

"The work was dangerous." Two S70 Black Hawk helicopters from the German armed forces transported 80 armored ylps and 220 "large bags" filled with crushed stones until they were temporarily closed and dropped into precision work. said Christian Gamsler, deputy commissioner of civil protection of the province of Carinthia. Since Sunday, the Gail will return to his bed of origin. Thus, the working conditions of local contractors are created, but the federal army also remains active. "The Villach pioneers will carry extra big bags to the dam and take them there," the Carinthian military command said.

Cleaning progressed quickly

The army remains on the spot

The Black Hawk helicopters would return to the Langenlebarn base, but two helicopters would remain on the scene in the event of a disaster. In total, six fire brigades were used yesterday. Work to make the Lesachtal accessible is continuing. "Here the army remains on the ground," said the military command.

The makeshift barrage

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Author: Tillian Simone

Published on: November 5, 2018 by 8:30

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Since yesterday, Sunday, November 4th, the Gail amazes in her bed of origin© kk

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