Data scandal: maximum penalty for Facebook


In the scandal of millions of Facebook user data, the British data protection authority ICO, the US company, has confessed to a fine of 500,000 pounds (565,000 euros).

Facebook has not protected the data of its members The boss of the authority, Elizabeth Denham, said Wednesday. In addition, there was no transparency as to how the platform's data had been exploited by third parties. The context of the scandal is the disclosure of data from 87 million Facebook users to the British consulting firm Cambridge Analytica.

In 2016, the company supported the campaign team of the future US President Donald Trump. However, the data obtained from Facebook did not use it for its own sake but not for the US election campaign. The £ 500,000 fine is relatively low for Facebook because the group has a market value of $ 590 billion.

But that's the maximum amount that the ICO chief can impose. Facebook can comment on the allegations before the final decision. The company announced that it would review the interim report of the British authority and respond soon. Data Protection Officer Erin Egan said Cambridge Analytica needed to intervene sooner. Facebook works according to its own information in the investigation with the authorities together.

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