Deadly attack in Innsbruck: the victim died of a sting


Innsbruck – What happened there? This issue haunts a murderous knife attack against a 21 year old Bregenz in Innsbruck Bogenmeile region, not only in the minds of many Tyrolese, who can not understand the senseless death of the Vorarlbergs. Police investigations are currently focused on the "why".

It is also a question of whether the attack actually preceded a dispute or not, as it appeared for the first time: "We found that the attack may have been preceded by an addictive enterprise. . But this is not yet certain, "Christoph Hundertpfund, deputy head of the state's criminal investigation bureau, told reporters on Monday during a conversation with the Tyrolean newspaperAbove all, the police can not yet say whether the victims and perpetrators were also involved in a possible agreement.

Forces at the scene.

But it is now certain that Vorarlberger, 21, died from a single knife stab in the neck. This resulted in an autopsy of the corpse on Monday, Hundredpound said. The injury may have been so severe that the victim has no chance of surviving.

Video Analysis and Witness Survey

"We interviewed the 21-year-old boy's companions now, and now they need to be interviewed even closer, and the detailed surveys are starting today," Hundertpfund said. The investigators also hope to have an overview of the exact facts of the case through the evaluation of video recordings in Bogenmeile. Again, it is not clear exactly how long it will take until the results are available.

At the same time, a 24-year-old Afghan (police corrected his information, note), who was arrested after a first evaluation of the equipment of the arc-based video cameras, according to information provided to the police detention center in Innsbruck . "He refuses any liaison, but is also questioned during the day," said Hundertpfund. On the video, the alleged perpetrator was recognized by a manager, but the quality of the images was not very good, limited to 100 pounds. A possible Afghan mate, a 20-year-old compatriot, who was also arrested during the search, has now been released. The main investigations are currently under pressure and the police have 48 hours to inform the prosecutor if a request for pre-trial detention is to be made.

The incident occurred at the end of Bogenmeile in Innsbruck, at the Ing.-Etzel-Straße / Museumsstraße intersection.


Attacks probably with a knife

The deadly attack had occurred on Sunday night at the Ing.-Etzel-Straße / Museum Street intersection. The last victim arrived in Innsbruck with several friends at 22.00 by train and went to a Bogenmeile pub. This had left the group around 0.30 hours. The 21-year-old from Bregenz came last behind the group and should not have noticed that he had apparently been sued by a stranger before. Even the companions were only aware of the culprit, when he had taken off a long time ago – not without having first stung the 21-year-old with a sharp object, probably a knife, in the neck.

While the attacker fled north, the Vorarlbergers are busy with their collapsed friend. They provided first aid and alarmed the relief. But the desperate attempts of the forces to save the life of man have been in vain: he died at the clinic in Innsbruck.

Security discussion

As part of an immediate investigation, two Afghan men were arrested and one of the two, after an afternoon hearing, appears to have been so hardened that it was transferred to the police detention center in Innsbruck.

However, the search for the perpetrator of violence remained standing for the moment, as long as the 20-year-old could not be identified as guilty beyond any doubt, police said.

The terrible thirst for blood Sunday also sparked a discussion on the gun-free areas in Innsbruck. Deputy Mayor Franz Xaver Gruber (Vice-President), in charge of security, and members of the Freedom Party, Rudi Federspiel and Markus Abwerzger, have asked the UN to introduce a ban on security. use the bow lane. In fact, police announced Sunday afternoon the entry into force of one as of December 1. "Regardless of the tragic event of the night," said the executive in a press release. (Rena)

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