Deadly knife attack: proof of crime


After the deadly knife attack against Bregenz, 21, on Sunday night, there are first indications of the motive. According to the investigators, there are "concrete indications" that the crime could be linked to an addictive drug company.

A more detailed knowledge awaits the police at the autopsy of the victim. A result should be determined Monday afternoon.

Offense of a suspicious act

The Afghan suspect, aged 24, was again interrogated on Monday, he continues to deny the act. Within 48 hours, the decision on the request for pre-trial detention must be made.

Investigators are also evaluating the content of video and surveillance cameras around the crime scene in the Bogenmeile area. In addition, many witnesses, including members of the group Vorarlberg, arrived Sunday night, must still be questioned in detail.

The young Vorarlberger dies stabbing


In the "Bogenmeile" on the way

The 21-year-old arrived in Innsbruck Saturday with eight people to his knowledge in a train from Vorarlberg at 22 hours. Around 0.30 pm, the group went to a restaurant in the "Bogenmeile", which they left about 45 minutes later. The group was then followed by a man at the intersection Ing Etzel Street / Museum Street. There, this violent police attacked the 21-year-old, the last of the group, in a totally unexpected and surprising way. With a knife, the culprit is the victim one or two points or. Added cuts in the neck area.

The Vorarlberger was immediately after first aid by an ambulance delivered to the clinic in Innsbruck. There, he succumbed a little later but his serious injuries.

Offenders escaped first

The author fled immediately after the foot attack to the north. As a result of an emergency investigation, the executive arrested two Afghans temporarily. One of them, aged 20, was finally released. His 24-year-old fellow was, however, taken to the police detention center.

Prohibition of firearms effective December 1

The Bogenmeile Innsbruck, in which the act was committed, is a prohibited area from 1 December. This was announced by the city's security authority on Sunday. According to the authorities, this unarmed area was created in Innsbruck on Sunday night, regardless of the tragic homicidal homicide – more in Bogenmeile, the unarmed area (

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