Demonstrations against the sacking of the head of government in Sri Lanka


30.10.2018 15.37

Online since today, 15:37

In Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka, tens of thousands have protested today against the dismissal of Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe. The population erected roadblocks and launched slogans against former president Mahinda Rajapakse.

According to Wickremesinghe's party, about 100,000 people participated in the protests; the police spoke of 25,000 participants.

Rochade triggered the tension

President Maithripala Sirisena had already dismissed Wickremesinghe and named the controversial former president Rajapakse in place of his successor. Wickremesinghe considers that his dismissal is illegal and refuses to leave his post. Rajapakse are accused of human rights violations and corruption.

Wickremesinghe rebadured his supporters not to accept the dismissal. "People did not choose Sirisena to do that," he said. "We will resist what the president did."

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