Deported: Abbas en route to Pakistan


The Lustenau apprentice apprentice, Qamar Abbas, was reportedly deported Saturday to his home country, Pakistan. As he told the phone over to his employer Marcel Lerch, he was accompanied by three officials on his flight.

The trainee in catering, aged 26, arrived in Austria in 2012. His asylum application had been rejected this spring by the Federal Office of Foreigners and Asylum. In October he was detained. At the same time, one wondered if Abbas should stay in Austria for humanitarian reasons.

On Wednesday, the Federal Administrative Court overturned the decision to oust Abbas by reporting procedural defects of exceptional gravity. This was followed by an extremely quick interrogation Thursday. Stefan Harg, Abbas' lawyer, spoke of a "joke" – to learn more about the Abbas case: the lawyer is talking about "joke".

Finally, Saturday – after six years in Austria – the expulsion was followed by a quick trial. Shortly before his departure, Abbas told his teacher: "He told me that he was doing well under the circumstances," said Lerch.

Deportation of apprentice

Marcel Lerch, professor, on the deportation of Qamar Abbas in conversation with Gernot Hämmerle, editor-in-chief of the ORF

Lerch: treatment as a criminal

Apparently Abbas – as a criminal – accompanied by three officials and was in the plane the only person who will be deported. He has already contacted his family in Pakistan. What he expected after arriving in Pakistan, he did not know. He hopes his family will be able to buy it for free. It will depend on the amount of the ransom.

Last glow of hope Qamar deportation


Fly to an uncertain future in his home country: Qamar Abbas.

Otherwise, it will probably result in torture and jail time, Lerch believes. Because Abbas is considered a traitor. What would happen to him then he preferred not to imagine, said Lerch against ORF Vorarlberg.

Loacker, boss of the ÖGB, talks about "mess"

Austrian Trade Union Confederation (ÖGB) President Norbert Loacker reported that shortly after hearing that the press release was expelled, he expressed his anger. It was a mess, as was the case in the case of Abbas of the competent authorities.

According to Loacker, pending complaints that have not yet been addressed – yet, Qamar has been completely falsely expelled. The Federal Administrative Court confirmed this week that errors had been made in the processing of the application for the right of residence in Germany. "That's why Qamar should not have been deported.There must be a directive from above that Qamar must definitely leave the country," Loacker said.

Norbert Loacker


ÖGB President Norbert Loacker calls for justice for Qamar Abbas.

It was not lawful for him to deport a refugee who has been well integrated for many years and fulfills all the criteria of the right to remain in Germany for that reason. This wrong decision must have consequences for those in charge, Loacker asks.

In the case of Abbas, court proceedings are still ongoing. On one side, a complaint had been filed, on the other, the lawyer Harg again complained against the hearing as part of the proceedings for the right to suspend the rights of the man.


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