Died in front of the hospital: the witness says now


Although nothing comes from the internal test, the process remains a scandal: in a modern metropolis, a patient suffers a cardiac arrest directly in front of a hospital, is treated late, transported and dies in another hospital.

It happened last Friday: a trafikant (63 years old) wanted to visit the hospital Divine Savior, his mother, who was in the intensive care unit. Apparently, coming out of his car, he suffers from cardiac arrest. Patricia T. arrives, recognizes the situation that threatens her life, rushes to the hospital and asks the help of the porter: "Call for help", brings the woman from Vienna to answer. In fact, she is the one calling at 18:55.

Mini defibrillator

At first, the receptionist does not ask a doctor: "They can not leave the house," he says. Later, Patricia T. intervenes again. And this time, an experienced doctor and his colleague respond. With the mini defibrillator pbaderby, they can resuscitate the 63-year-old and entrust him with the rescue. Even the hospital doctors did not have a defibrillator.

Nobody had the idea of ​​bringing the patient home. The Divine Savior has an excellent known heart station.

The paramedics brought a man to Wilhelminenspital

Paramedics even considered bringing the tobacconist into an AKH much further away, but then decided to take her to the Wilhelminenspital. Here, the 63-year-old patient died a little later.

The hospital management in Hernals regrets the incident examined, but finds no error. Viennese health advisor Peter Hacker commissioned a study from the hospital supervisory authority (MA 40).

Witness: "It seemed to me that they did not care.

AUSTRIA: You criticize the hospitality of the hospital and you had to alarm the relief.

Patricia T .: The doorman asked me to call 144. He said you can not do anything else.

AUSTRIA: The hospital says that the carrier took care of a doctor.

Patricia T .: I did not have the impression. He said that doctors are not allowed out of the house. It seemed to me that he did not care about the rest. I wonder why it's more important than saving lives.

AUSTRIA: You are at the clinic a second time. There were then two doctors ready.

PATRICIA T .: They discussed the possibility of communicating with the patient and finally decided to do so.

AUSTRIA: After all, doctors have been able to resuscitate lifeless people and hand over the rescue.

PATRICIA T .: Yes, at that moment the woman joined. She was visiting the hospital, then had to experiment everything.

AUSTRIA: What did you feel?

PATRICIA T .: Rejected, not as one might expect in a hospital. The hospital justifies that everything was fine. The incident was only a few meters away. The doctors also had a cell phone. They could have returned to the hospital at any time in case of emergency.

AUSTRIA: You have shown moral courage.

PATRICIA T .: Yes, I could not have gone. I can only ask everyone to intervene when something happens.

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