Difficult election campaign before the middle elections


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In tomorrow's midterm elections, the House of Representatives and one-third of the Senate will be re-elected to the United States. Information on the significance of the 2018 elections.

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Sandra Liermann

On November 6, 2018, the so-called mid-term elections are pending in the United States. The Americans elect the House of Representatives and one-third of the Senate. Why are midterms, as they are popularly called, important? What result predicts the investigations? And what happens if the Democrats get a majority in both houses of Congress? We answer all the important questions about the mid-term elections.

Elections in the United States 2018: When is elected and are the "mid-term elections"?

Approximately in the middle of the US president's four-year term, the so-called "mid-term elections" take place, the mid-term or mid-term elections. As for the presidential election, these elections also take place on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. This year, they come across the November 6, 2018,

Mid-term elections are often seen as a vote on the policies of the current president. In fact, a link has already been established between the popularity of the president and that of his peers in mid-term elections: in the last 21 mid-term elections, the presidential party lost an average of 30 seats in the House and four in the Senate. The US President Donald Trump enjoys a relatively low popularity, it can be deduced that his party will also accept losses.

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Currently, Republicans hold a majority in both Houses of the Legislature, both the House and the Senate. This ratio could change in November. Then he will decide if Donald Trump can continue as before or have to adjust his political agenda.

2018 Mid-term Elections: When exactly will the mid-term elections in the United States be elected, when will the polls close?

The 50 US states will vote in the mid-term elections on Tuesday. The first polls close at 18:00 local time (midnight German time). Here is an overview of the exact times the elections are over:

  • 18:00 EST (0:00 CET): Indiana, Kentucky
  • 7:00 pm EST: 1:00 pm GMT: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia
  • 7:30 pm (EST): North Carolina, Ohio, West Virginia
  • 8:00 pm EST: Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Mbadachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas
  • 8:30 pm EST (2:30 am): Arkansas
  • 9:00 pm Eastern Time: Arizona, Colorado, Louisiana, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Wyoming
  • 10:00 pm EST (4 CET): Idaho, Iowa, Montana, Nevada, Utah
  • 11:00 pm EST (5:00 am CET): California, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington
  • 24h EST (6h CET): Alaska

Zwischenwahlen: When are the results of the "Midterms 2018" corrected?

Voting in the mid-term US elections starts with the closing of the polls. The first results are expected on the evening of the election. When the final result of the mid-term elections is determined, the result is still uncertain. Because US states are sometimes in different time zones, the count may take longer. An interim result is only expected the day after the elections. Therefore, Wednesday morning, American time (Wednesday morning, German time), give.

2018 Midterm Elections – What was Selected in the United States?

Elected November 6, 2018:

  • all 435 seats in the House of Representatives
  • one-third of Senate seats, for a total of 33
  • Governors in 36 states as well as in the three outer Guam, US Virgin Islands and Northern Mariana Islands

In addition, there will be extraordinary by-elections on the same day.

Half-time elections in November 2018: Why is the United States so important?

Often, the mid-term elections entail a reorganization of the majority in Congress, the two legislative bodies of the United States. This also has an impact on the US President's room for maneuver. Currently, the House of Representatives and the Senate are in the hands of Republicans – the party for which Donald Trump has also entered the presidential campaign.

In the mid-term elections of November 2018, Democrats said experts could win a majority in the House of Representatives. However, a majority of Democratic senators are less likely. But even with a majority in the "House of Representatives", they could better oppose the political agenda of the President and Republicans and block projects.

Before the mid-term elections 2018: What is the starting position in the House of Representatives?

Currently, Republicans hold a majority in the House of Representatives with 236 to 193 seats, with six vacant seats (as of July 10, 2018). Democrats should win 25 seats, which seems possible.

Before half-time 2018: What is the starting position in the US Senate?

Currently, Republicans have 51 seats in the Senate. This is a majority of two seats. According to experts, Democrats' chances of winning back the Senate majority in mid-term elections in November are still limited. Because only one third of the seats will be reallocated. And among them, 24 Democratic seats are to reelect, but only nine Republicans. The risk for Democrats to lose more than to win is high.

What are the election results for the 2018 half-time elections?

Just under 100 days before the mid-term elections, Democrats are witnessing numerous House ballots with an average of seven percentage points on Republicans, such as the website. RealClearPolitics.com calculated. Last December, however, this advance was significantly higher in the meantime, at 13 percentage points. However, since such surveys refer to the general sentiment in the country and not the situation in the constituencies, the calculations should be treated with caution. Until the date of the elections, November 6, 2018, the situation is likely to change even more.

Midterms 2018: What will happen if US Democrats win the majority?

If the Democrats managed to win a majority in the House of Representatives or the Senate, that would probably have significant consequences. Democrats could then use this majority to block the legislative plans of Republicans and Donald Trump. Similarly, Republicans have used their majority for much of Barack Obama's term.

For example, they could prevent further tax cuts or attempt to revoke the Obamacare health insurance law. It is also conceivable that majority Democrats in the House of Representatives take control of the Donald Trump inquiry commission in Russia and push the investigations until then slow. A democratically dominated House of Representatives could – baduming it is – even initiate an indictment against President Donald Trump. With a majority in the Senate, Democrats could veto judges, cabinet members, and other members of the Supreme Court appointed by Trump.

It will probably be difficult for Democrats to advance their own plans, as President Donald Trump himself can veto. Thus, the American political establishment is threatened with a major stalemate if Democrats in mid-term elections can overthrow majorities in their favor.

We want to know what you think: Augsburger Allgemeine therefore collaborates with the Civey Opinion Research Institute. What is happening with the polls with representatives and why you should register, read on.

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