Digital Education: "Absolute Prohibition of Mobile Phones Goes Beyond Reality"


WORLD: In France, there is now a widespread ban on mobile phones in schools. Is this a timely step to protect children?

Jörg Dräger: I think that a complete ban is wrong. The school must prepare children and teens for life, and it is digital today. Thus, the responsible use of mobile phones is part of the schools' task.

WORLD: Mobile phones are among other things responsible for an impoverishment of language and a deficit of attention. Can not they stay in the clbadroom?

Dräger: Being responsible also means learning when you prefer to put the phone aside and disable push messages so you do not get distracted. If the phone rings every three seconds, no child can follow the lesson.

  Jörg Dräger is a member of the Bertelsmann Foundation where he oversees the field of education and integration

Jörg Dräger is a board member of the Bertelsmann Education and Integration Foundation Care

Source: pa / dpa / Stephanie Pilick

It's as important as knowing that I can watch a learning video on my mobile phone. This is both – the distraction and the learning of progress. And where, if not at school, should children learn the right path? Therefore, an absolute prohibition of the reality of life pbades.

WORLD: Some would say that the lesson is a time when the phone should stay off.

Dräger: If you have children A smart phone without any advice improves the social division. If parents pay special attention to what their child is doing with their mobile phone, their child will benefit. Where parents pay less attention, this leads to distraction and all other negative effects.

That is why it is also the responsibility of the school to deal with it competently. A school could also decide that cell phones are banned in the school yard. I think it's okay. But children must also understand that you can learn by cell phone. That's why you need it in schools. Not always and not all lessons, but just when it makes sense.

WORLD: Are there any successful model experiments on the use of cell phones in the clbadroom?

Dräger: Educational research: Should every child bring his own device or should the devices be provided? There are good teaching concepts for both variants. Which decides, also depends on the equipment of the school. As long as schools are not able to provide each child with a terminal, we must use the devices that children have in their pants anyway. In a digitally well-equipped school, children should ideally use the same device

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WORLD: In which subjects do you think that digital use is particularly useful?

Dräger: Digital education is particularly useful for mathematics, science and foreign languages. You can watch a learning video on your cell phone in Latin too. In mathematics, in my opinion, there is nothing wrong with using the phone every hour as help. However, complicated discussions in the lessons of ethics are certainly more difficult to apply

WORLD: How does the debate in Germany differ from that of other countries?

Dräger: The focus is on the pedagogy and individual accompaniment of the single child. In Germany, we like to refer to digital education as a separate term. But we do not talk about "book lessons" when students read something. The mobile phone and the book are two tools that can be used wisely. In other countries, this is considered less dogmatic.

Source: Infografik WORLD

WORLD: The founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates, is known for meticulously controlling and restricting the media consumption of his children. Do you understand it when parents have reservations about the use of cell phones at school?

Dräger: Such reservations do indeed exist, but most parents want the school to prepare their children for the future, and this includes mobile phones. But parents also want kids to move, play and do enough – this too should not be overlooked. The discussion of one or the other lost

WORLD: Where did the States come on this path?

Dräger: Bavaria is the only country to banish completely, even there it is controversial, Digitization becomes a natural part of teaching, and the question is how to shape it. As part of the digital compact, schools must be quickly equipped with the Internet. Because the social division does not decide today on the terminal, because everyone has a mobile phone in the meantime.

Social Sharing Rather Decisions Data Volume: Richest parents can give better contracts to the child. When schools have fast Internet, it also becomes more attractive to introduce laptops or tablets. Because these devices are in the clbadroom. The hour of computer rooms is over

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