Digital Platform: Bakers are looking for apprentices


In order to encourage more young people to study as a baker, bakeries in Vorarlberg are launching an information campaign. With a website and an badociated Instagram channel, young people will have new ideas.

The Vorarlberger Bakers' Guild begins a new information campaign. With the website and the badociated Instagram channel #frischbacha, there will be in the future a platform containing information on the bakery business in Vorarlberg.

According to guild master Wolfgang Fitz, the new information campaign is generally aimed at raising awareness of the profession. to be keen, in particular, but also young people and their parents are addressed. The bakery profession is not a dusty craft, but an old tradition with modern technology.

  Baker new platform

Economic Chamber of Vorarlberg

The new platform of bakers of Vorarlberg is the main guild Wolfgang Fitz (right) ", Christian Koch (center) and Georg Burtscher (studio of content) introduced the director of the Guild

"Through our platform, we offer interested parties a unique insight into the busy daily life of a baker. With apprenticeship as a baker, apprentices embrace a profession rooted in tradition that has required creativity and intelligence for centuries, "says Fitz.

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