Diplomacy of fertile dogs – President of South Korea introduced puppies


Pyongyang / Seoul (APA / AFP) – Following the donation of Pungsan's hunting dogs, from North Korean ruler Kim Jong-un, to South Korean President Moon Jae-in, he now has six puppies. The photos released on Sunday show Moon and his wife in front of their home in Seoul, surrounded by puppies and their mother Gomi.

"Meet Gomi's newborn puppies, one of Pungsan's dogs from North Korea," Moon's briefing office wrote on Twitter. Mothers and baby dogs are in good health, the presidential office added.

Kim had given Moon two North Korean Pungsan hunting dogs after their September apogee, as a sign of improving bilateral relations. "Since dogs take about two months to get pregnant, Gomi had to be pregnant when she came to see us," Moon had tweeted after Gomi started it. "I hope intercore relations will be like that."

Dogs with thick white fur, pointed ears and brown eyes are considered loyal and intelligent. They belong to the national cultural heritage of North Korea. Moon is known as an animal lover and already has four dogs, including two of Kim and a cat.

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