Diplomatic scandal before Rouhani's visit to Vienna «kleinezeitung.at


The day before the visit of Iranian President Hbadan Rouhani to Vienna, a diplomatic scandal has arrived. Austria recognizes the diplomatic status of an employee of the Iranian embbady in Vienna because he would be involved in attacks on a rally of Iranian exiles in Paris. Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif indignantly rejected the allegations

19:53, 03 Jul 2018

© APA (AFP) [19659008] [19659009L'APAadéclarémardiàl'APAqu'unmandatd'arrêteuropéenavaitétéémiscontrelediplomateL'ambbadadeuriranienaété"promptly"citéauministèredesAffairesétrangèresadéclaréleporte-paroleduministèreThomasSchnöll"Nousavonsdemandéàl'Etatd'envoiderenonceràl'immunitédudiplomateiranien"

The diplomat concerned was "within 48 hours due to the presence of a refused diplomatic warrant," said Schnöll. Due to terrorist plans, two suspects were arrested in Belgium, the prosecution said in Brussels. In addition, a possible accomplice has been set up in France and an Iranian diplomat in Germany.

The Iranian Foreign Minister rejected terrorism allegations as a political conspiracy. "As it is practical: by the time we board the plane for a presidential visit to Europe, the" conspirators "of an alleged Iranian operation are arrested," he wrote on Twitter. "Iran unambiguously condemns all violence and terror everywhere and is ready to work with all those affected to expose this sinister and falsely reported plot."

The alleged attack targets a rally of 25,000 people Saturday in Paris according to the "National Council of Resistance of Iran" (NRWI) criticism. The Iranian diplomat stationed in Vienna since 2014 would have been the "leader" of the attack. This is apparent from the information provided by the couple, who was arrested by the Belgian authorities with half a kilo of explosives

According to the latter, the diplomat handed him the explosive device in Luxembourg to explode during of the Paris meeting. The Iranian diplomat has been identified and arrested on the service area of ​​the Spessart-Süd motorway in Germany. The explosives were German investigators in the examination of his car Sunday night – contrary to a first suspicion – not found.

The opposition "National Council of Resistance of Iran" (NRWI) called because of allegations against Iranian diplomats stationed in Vienna, visiting Rouhani cancel. "In such a situation, the Rohani reception in Austria, scheduled for July 4, will tarnish democracy and human rights, and reinforce terrorism and crime, a blatant violation of values ​​on which supports the European Union "Rouhani will receive military honors at the inner court by Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen tomorrow, Wednesday. He should then meet Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) and hold a conference at the Economic Chamber (WKÖ) in the afternoon. At the Federal Chancellery, the signing of several Memoranda of Understanding provided for cooperation in transport and water management.

Zarif wanted to meet his counterpart Karin Kneissl (FPÖ) at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) in the afternoon to establish 160 years of diplomatic relations. There too, the signing of a protocol agreement was planned, which should allow for extensive research on the common history of both countries.

Rouhani comes from Switzerland to Austria. It's his first trip to Europe since the US left the nuclear deal with Iran in May. Van der Bellen and Kurz want to confirm at the reception their support for the nuclear agreement, for which, according to a report by the Iranian agency, a meeting of foreign ministers will be held Friday in Vienna. Zarif is said to meet his colleagues from Russia, China, Germany, Great Britain and France.

Israel sees the reception as critical for Rouhani. Israel expressed "concern over the visit," the Jerusalem Post reported this weekend, citing unspecified diplomatic circles. The head of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Jerusalem, Ephraim Zuroff, categorically stated: "Would they have invited Hitler, too, had they known what he would do," said the Israeli Nazi hunter. The alliance "Stop the bomb" announced two demonstrations against Rouhani Wednesday, in downtown Vienna and in front of the headquarters of WKÖ in Vienna-Margareten.

The reception of Rouhani is mainly for the Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) a delicate matter, he had stressed in early June during his visit to Israel, that the country's security to "justify the" state "of Austria account. As a result, he emphasized in the run-up to the visit that he "takes very seriously the concerns and security needs of Israel". "So I will speak clearly about the role of Iran in the region."

The German tabloid "Bild" considered Rouhani's visit as the reason for a tragedy: "The Iranian President during a scandalous visit to Vienna". Internet Edition: "Europe can not roll out a red carpet for executioners and terrorists!"

The Iranian regime holds a "very special record" for years, arguing among other things in the article: "It's the world's largest terrorist-sponsoring state." Tehran arms and funds Islamist militias such as Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad Rouhani, as President of the National Security Council himself, had been involved in planning the attack abroad for years, " Bild "argued, under his leadership, the attempted murder of the Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires, including 85 deaths, took place in 1994. The Argentine prosecutor, who wanted to report to the Iranian leaders, was badbadinated in 2015. "

Moreover, Iran wants Israel and that group 5 + 1 in Vienna in 2015 – the five powers veto the United States, Russia, China, France and Britain plus Germany – concluded that the nuclear agreements do not bring about the opening of SOE regime. Rouhani comes from Switzerland to Austria. It's his first trip to Europe since the United States under President Donald Trump left the Iranian nuclear deal in May. Van der Bellen and Kurz want to confirm at the reception their support for the agreement, for the benefit of which, according to a report of the Iranian agency, a meeting of Foreign Ministers will be held Friday in Vienna.

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