Disagreements on the House of the Republic


The uncertain future of the House of Austrian History (HdGÖ) became more concrete 16 days before the opening. In the long run, the house should become the House of the Republic. But the scientific council is against it.

Tuesday, the Minister of Culture, Gernot Blümel (ÖVP), presented with the President of the National Council, Wolfgang Sobotka (ÖVP), the project to make the house independent while attaching it to parliament and renaming it . Title of work: "House of the Republic".

Scientific Advisory Council against the name change

The press conference on the future of the house surprised the scientific advisory committee, which met for the first time in its new composition Wednesday. A change of name in the House of the Republic and a change of the previous order of work would not be accepted without contradiction, it was specified the afternoon.

"The term" House of the Republic "has surprised me," said Hütter. "The most important formulation for me is" provisional title. "" House of History "is now an internationally recognized term and recommended by the Council of Europe, and it deliberately distances itself from the term of museum. "

Oliver Rathkolb, Chairman of the Advisory Board: "I think the term" House of the Republic "will quickly disappear from the discussion, and whatever it may be, I will speak against that name. proposal, I am delighted, but we will quickly submit our own proposal from our point of view, I suppose we will be heard. "

The question of location still needs to be clarified

HdGÖ's director, Monika Sommer, is delighted: "I'm really happy that we can hold such a groundbreaking press conference today," she said. "I am delighted with this clear political commitment." This also includes securing the 1.5 million euro grant for the year 2019 (previously planned for one million euros) and an badessment of the year. here the end of the year.

House of history director Monika Sommer

APA / Hans Punz

Director Sommer looks forward to "this clear political commitment"

After its end, the problem of future location should be clarified. Currently, the HdGÖ is located in the premises of the new castle. In the past, Sommer had always advocated for an extension or a new building. The separation of the National Library should allow autonomy.

Opening with "departure in the unknown"

Blümel explained the link to Parliament as follows: "If you want to convey the history of the Republic, it is not possible without the Parliament." Scientific independence is guaranteed in all cases. The plan is similar to that of the National Fund or the Restitution Fund, said Sobotka.

House of the restoration of history

APA / Hans Punz

In summer, the premises were transferred to New Castle.

Blümel also evoked the title of the Republic's exhibition at the presentation of the "Perspective Solution", with which the HdGÖ will open on November 10th. "The dawn of uncertainty – Austria since 1918" is the name of the show, which will cover the last 10 years on 750 square meters on seven themes on November 10: "High the Republic "," Wunder Wirtschaft? "," Dictatorship, NS "Terror and Remembrance", "It's Austria !? "," Changing borders? "," Equality of rights?! "And the installation" Macht Bilder ".

"" The awakening of the unknown "is also a synonym for the past few months," said the minister, who wishes to use the Republic's anniversary as an opportunity to address a "perspective" in the long run "for the museum. The creation of a "House of the Republic" was a problem since 1919. The final decision in 2016 was followed by its predecessor, the Minister of Culture, Thomas Drozda (SPÖ), who resized. In addition, the link with the National Library as an "appendix" has been criticized afterwards. This uncertainty would end now, so Blümel.

Probably not a federal museum

At first, Blümel called the budget securing for the coming year and the appreciation of the house by a transfer to independence. Nevertheless, the "House of the Republic", which is still funded by the Federal Chancellery (BKA), will probably not be managed as a federal museum, but to be connected to parliament. As far as the history of the Republic is concerned, it is essential to connect the house to "one of the most important institutions of the country", ie to the parliament, said Mr Blümel. The question of location and possibilities for further development should be developed by experts.

House of history hdgö

APA / Robert Jaeger

The house will be anchored in the future in Parliament

"The responsibility to face the history of the republic must be in a great national arc," said Sobotka. The Parliament has always shown, for example with the National Fund or the Restitution Fund, that "a common approach makes it possible to achieve national solidarity while guaranteeing the independence of science". Parliament must be the place "where a scientific debate by national consensus is possible.The identity of Austria should be strengthened at all levels and in all parts of the republic."

The summer was happy of the "common way"

The director of HdGÖ, Sommer, recalled the moment of her appointment in February 2017: "When I took my office, the future was uncertain." She now wants to continue building on the foundations created in recent months. She was pleased to note that a "common path" has been mapped out and that independence will be preserved.


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