Dog in hungry apartment: Salzburg condemned


A 26-year-old man was sentenced Friday in Salzburg for a trial for animal cruelty to a three-month prison sentence. The woman asked to starve her dog in her apartment. Clearly, mental health issues were the reason she was away from home for a while and left the Golden Retriever without food and water –

The Animal Welfare Association filed a complaint at the end of May. According to the police, not only the Golden Retriever, but a second dog was found dead in the apartment in the district of Lehen Salzburg. The husky lay in a plastic bag. However, according to the 26-year-old man, this person died of natural causes. There was no evidence that the wife of Salzburg was at fault in this case. Apparently, the husky had suffered from cancer. When the two animals were discovered, the apartment should have been strewn

Restrictive at the time of the crime

"I am terribly sorry," said today the unemployed person in tears to Judge Christian Ureutz. She had come without a defense lawyer for a trial in the Salzburg Regional Court. The 26-year-old athlete was at the time of the limited offense healthy minded. She had visited the Doppler Christian Clinic because of her problems and is currently being treated mentally.

The verdict is not final. The accused has until Monday to think about it. Attorney Michael Schindlauer waived the appeal. The judge evaluated the confession of remorse, the insolence of the woman and the limited mental health. The probationary period for conditional detention is three years. The sentence was two years in prison.

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