Dommusik: Thousands of damaged partitions –


In an unnoticed flood of the cathedral, tens of thousands of scores were damaged and partially destroyed. Parts of the Haydn brothers are also part of the works in question.

A broken faucet in the Curhaus next to St. Stephen's Cathedral caused potentially irreversible damage. The tap in the technical room on the roof of the house had gone unnoticed for two weeks in the historical part of the archives. According to Domkapellmeister Markus Landerer, ten to fifteen thousand scores are concerned


Fund "pure coincidence"

"For centuries, our musicians played in the cathedral of these things precious are there, "said Landerer in front of" Vienna today ". Are affected, for example, a first edition of the Harmony of Joseph Haydn and works of Georg Reutter, who was a judge of the court Kapellmeister Maria Theresia. The sheets were set to dry in all the music of the cathedral, the head of the cathedral tried with two colleagues to save everything that was to be saved.

The damage was noticed, said Landerer: "Last Thursday, I'm on In the evening, by chance, went to the room where the historical score is stored.In the room in front, I see the water coming out of the door and inside I see three inches in the water and I see water flowing historical notes. "Historical records are rarely used because the old notes are hardly used.

  Water in the Domarchiv


The faucet caused the damage

"A nightmare for us"

The damage was still limited, says Landerer because the majority of them could have been saved: "Many old leaves have not been affected so much because of the good quality of the paper. They are dirty and hard to read. "The historical notes have been stored in three boxes in the archives." About 50 works of several hundred pages must now be restored by specialists

"Haydn" Works almost destroyed

Music sheets of famous composers have been The water has invaded the archives of the Curhaus at St. Stephen's Cathedral

For some, however, all salvation is too late: "They are so submerged that ink has swum, you do not can no longer do anything about it, "says Landerer 2007. 2007 works as Domkapellmeister.For now, his biggest fear was that the organ would not work for Easter.He never thought about such a thing: "It's a nightmare for us." The scale of the damage and the people who pay for it are unclear at the moment.


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