Donald and Melania Trump let the Queen wait


Queen Elizabeth II received US President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania at Windsor Castle. The 92-year-old monarch greeted the two with military honors late Friday afternoon in the palace courtyard. She had been waiting there for several minutes. However, we still do not know why the delay has occurred.

The Queen smiled, shaking hands with the President and First Lady of the United States. She was wearing a royal blue coat with a matching hat. Under his arm was a black purse. Trump appeared in a blue suit with a striped tie. First Lady Melania wore a cream colored suit. Guards in red uniform played the American national anthem

  Queen Trump

Great resistance in the United Kingdom

Trump is currently in the United Kingdom United for several days. Originally, Prime Minister Theresa May invited her to a state visit on behalf of the Queen. But this has met with fierce resistance in the United Kingdom. Nearly 1.9 million people signed a petition to downgrade the visit to "embarrbad the queen".

Tens of thousands protested against Trump's visit to several British cities. Indeed, the estimates of the Stop Trump initiative have even spoken of "250,000 protesters" at least in London. Demos have also been seen in other cities such as Belfast and Windsor

  Trumpo Demos London
"Trump Baby"

A series of protest marches across central London to the district between Parliament and Trafalgar. square. Police said in the afternoon that the place had reached its capacity. Several helicopters circled the city center.

Hundreds of people had already gathered on Parliament Square in the morning to watch a six-foot helium balloon in the form of a floating Trump baby on the square. According to activists, they wanted to ridicule Trump and make fun of his childishness.

According to activists, the baby Trump should also accompany the US president in Scotland. The protest organizers had filed a request to steal the ball near Trump's Golf Resort, where Trump will spend the weekend.

Trump supporters also announced a demo in London on Saturday. Supporters of right-wing extremist jailed Tommy Robinson are also expected. The police issued strict conditions. In a similar demo in June, there were clashes with the security forces.

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