Donald Trump and the fictional invasion – American election campaign around the border


He separated the immigrant families and had their children arrested. He warns against fictitious terrorists, gang members and other criminals. He sends thousands of soldiers to the border and threatens to close them.

And now he wants to take advantage of a central part of the American constitution.

US President Donald Trump spares no way of deciding the congressional election campaign for Republicans. His most powerful closing statement is the ongoing conflict around immigration and border politics: America, he warns, will be invaded by foreign hordes – and he alone could and will stop them.

The demonization of immigrants is a proven way of demagogues, which uses the lowest instincts and generally has little to do with reality. But this time, it could turn around: for most US voters, the economy or health care is currently more important.

Nevertheless, Trump – who began his campaign in 2016 with the hatred of immigrants – hopes to awaken his base. The most recent example is citizenship. Anyone born in the United States, wherever their parents come from, has what illegal immigrant babies do to Americans. Trump now threatens to abolish this principle of the birthplace with a stroke of a pencil.

"We are the only country in the world where a person can come and have a baby, and this baby has been a citizen of the United States for 85 years," he said in an interview. "It's ridiculous and it has to stop." A corresponding decree that he would sign "soon".

First, dozens of countries apply the same rules. Second, the place of birth principle has been enshrined in a US constitutional amendment since 1868 and is inviolable even to a president – requiring a two-thirds majority in both houses of Congress to be amended or abolished.

In addition, this 14th amendment has a solid foundation: it was adopted after the American Civil War to make freed slaves equal citizens. Putting this story on hold is either ignorant or a nod to racists among voters.

House Speaker Ryan contradicts Trump

The outcry was not around. Trump "feeds fear and insecurity," said Nicole Austin-Hillery, US director of the human rights organization Human Rights Watch. Even the prominent Republicans have moved away from this idea and contradicted Trump. "You can not end the place of birth principle by decree," said Speaker Paul Ryan.

No matter – only the headlines use Trump: as long as everyone is talking about it, grab the horror scenario. Especially as border patrol statistics indicate that more migrants have recently crossed the US border since the end of the controversy over the separation of the family and the internment of children.

"Since June, we have been attacking more and more groups," said US border guard Daniel Hernandez of Tucson, Arizona, SPIEGEL. "We have not lived this for so long." This is certainly not a "crisis".

But Trump likes artificial crises, and then "solve them". This is how he describes the refugees from Central America heading to the United States, always more apocalyptic. He spoke of an "invasion", threatened the original countries, flirted with a general ban on entry and the very idea of ​​closing the 3,000-kilometer southern border for the purposes of the trade.

Worse still, Trump continued to spread a conspiracy theory that the "caravan" would be funded by – Jewish billionaire George Soros. The alleged killer, who has now shot 11 people in a Pittsburgh synagogue, has joined the Internet as part of this confused thesis.

Video: "Trump feeds climate of hate"

Although these migrants are still so far away that they reach the US border in a few weeks, Trump's original station, Fox News, is also hard on the Timpanist. "They come with diseases, smallpox and leprosy," fumbled a commentator. It was too much, even for some colleagues: "There is no invasion," said News Newsman, Shep Smith. "No reason to worry."

Trump wants to send up to 15,000 soldiers to the border

Nevertheless, Trump finally decided to send soldiers to the border as though there was actually a threat of invasion. 5,200 American soldiers must join the National Guard of 2,100, already in the border area. That would give the United States more soldiers than it does now in Syria and Iraq, where they are fighting real terrorists. And Wednesday, he has further strengthened his tone: he could send up to 15,000 soldiers to the Mexican border to stop the caravan, he threatened.

It is obvious that this is simply a show that the soldiers are only extras fighting for the voters. "We have enough agents," says border guard Hernandez. Whatever the case may be, US troops should only provide logistical support: "Repair vehicles, use surveillance cameras." For that, we are grateful – but with the migrants, the soldiers must not come into contact.

And after the elections, the situation will probably be calm again around the border.

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