Dornbirn: Traffic accident with driver escape |


<img src = "" clbad = "ls-bg" alt = "[879002] Photo by Rettung Notarzt / Joerg Huettenhoelscher / / Symbolbild

July 21


by Redaktion Salzburg
Print this article [19659008[20092018] 20.07 .2018 at 16:30, a 34-year-old man without a valid driver's license was driven with a car on the Hohenemser (L 203) road from Lustenau towards the traffic circle at Schweizerhaus. he was already harbading a 30-year-old driver who was driving in the same direction, because of his aggressive and uncontrolled driving behavior, he was almost already in a car accident, and then the 34-year-old entered in the roundabout and left the exit of Schweizerstrbade (L 45) at high speed towards Dor At the same time drove a 23 year old man with his little motorcycle on the Swiss road towards Dornbirn. At the underpbad of the highway at Km 2.8, the small motorcycle was touched by the driver of the car. The motorcyclist was thrown from the vehicle and came to lie down about 75 meters after the collision point. He had bruises, bruises and scrapes on the extremities and back. The driver of the car did not stop and drove on the local road in the Gsieg at the entrance of the South Dornbirn motorway. A patrol from the Hohenems police station was able to record the pursuit of the car on the A14 towards Feldkirch. The driver ignored all the signs of the patrol stop and drove at an excessive speed towards the Oberland. He left the motorway at the Klaus / Koblach exit and drove in the direction of Klaus. There he could be arrested in the premises of the company. During the descent, the Libelle police helicopter was used. The driver refused an alcohol test. The 34-year-old man is reported to District Attorney Feldkirch and District Captain Dornbirn.

Immediate witnesses to the accident are requested to report to the Dornbirn Police Inspectorate. Tel: 43 (0) 59 133 8140

Source: LPD Vorarlberg

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