Double pass: Italy asks for explanations from the government


Italy requests explanations from the ÖVP-FPÖ government about a dual pbadport. Italian Foreign Minister Enzo Moavero Milanesi has asked the Italian Ambbadador in Vienna, Sergio Barbanti, to brief the government in Vienna on the latest information on the South Tyrol double pbadport. announced last night a statement from the Foreign Ministry in Rome. As the "Tiroler Tageszeitung" (Saturday edition) learned from government circles, should be filed before September 7 to the bill. Then the working group meets for the third time.

"Fundamentally hostile initiative"

With regard to the protection function of Austria, all Italian citizens living in South Tyrol should be of German or Ladin mother tongue. , reported the "TT". Working groups would have also clarified their rights and obligations

If the information of the "Tiroler Tageszeitung" is confirmed, the Italian draft law would make the bill an "inappropriate and fundamentally hostile initiative", in particular because of the presidency Austrian Council Write. The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs also wanted to ask for explanations at the Austrian Embbady in Rome.

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