Double Pass topic creates tensions between Rome and Vienna «


A newspaper article on the draft law on dual nationality for South Tyrol has caused confusion. The Austrian government denied on Monday that the project is expected to be held until September 7, as reported on Saturday the "Tiroler Tageszeitung". In this context, tensions between Rome and Vienna intensified further

14.40, 23 July 2018


" We can not confirm the date – even for the design, "said a spokesman for the government spokesman Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal at the APA. The legal requirements for the grant of citizenship would be "no earlier than 2019/2020 be given," the office said.

In addition, the Ministry of the Interior did not want to confirm the date of a fixed bill. "We do not know anything about it," said a spokesman for the "press" on Monday. On the other hand, he stressed once more that Vienna would not take action without the approval of Rome and Bolzano.

The "TT" wrote that the project should be developed until September 7, when the working group convenes. As a result, the circle of potential candidates has already been defined at the strategy meetings held so far. With regard to the protection function of Austria, all Italian citizens living in South Tyrol would speak German or Ladine languages, reported the TT.

The Italian government reacted indignantly to the report. Foreign Minister Enzo Moavero Milanesi has asked the Italian ambbadador to Vienna, Sergio Barbanti, to inform the government in Vienna of the latest information on the double pbadport of South Tyrol, announced on Sunday. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If the information of the "Tiroler Tageszeitung" is confirmed, the Italian bill would make the bill an "inappropriate and fundamentally hostile initiative", especially because of the Austrian EU presidency, according to the letter. Parliament, Riccardo Fraccaro, said Monday that Austria's plans were "disturbing". The president of the European Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, Sergio Battelli of the five-star populist movement, called Vienna: "The Austrian government should give up this plan and adhere to the principles of loyalty and cooperation."

The Austrian Parliament Office However, the government spokesman pointed out that a future solution would be "developed in dialogue with Rome and in coordination with Bolzano". The possibility of granting Austrian nationality to ethnic groups of German and Ladin mother tongues was "in the spirit of European integration and the European peace project".

Meanwhile, the Austrian Ambbadador to Rome, Rene Pollitzer, Foreign Minister Milanesi. He had invited Pollitzer to an exchange of views on the issue of a double pbad for the South Tyrolese, said the Austrian Embbady in Rome at the request of the APA. The conversation was said to be "friendly," he said.

SPÖ President Christian Kern continued to be skeptical about dual nationality for South Tyrolese. "I think it's the wrong way, because with the European agreement, we have found a common perspective for South Tyrol and Austria," said the former Chancellor in the daily "Dolomiten" (Monday edition). In South Tyrol, many had been accomplished "by reason", according to Kern: "South Tyrolese do not need that to trust them."

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