Drama at Therme: Bub (13) No Longer Presented – Styria


The 13-year-old cousin and his 14-year-old cousin were together in the pool and did some diving exercises. For unknown reasons, the 13-year-old dropped to the bottom of the pool at 1:45 pm immediately after surfacing and did not come back up.

His cousin reacted with the spirit: he quickly took the 13 year old boy out of the water and threw him by the pool. As the boy was not breathing, the 14-year-old started resuscitation. The lifeguard and other bathers supported him.

According to the police report, two Viennese doctors who came to help the teenager would be among the guests. Shortly after, the 13-year-old returned to himself, he was fortunately also accessible.

Put in a coma

The boy was first supplied by the Red Cross and brought by helicopter rescue to LKH Graz. Before being transported, however, the emergency doctor had put the boy in a deep and artificial sleep. Relatives of the 13-year-old girl were taken in by the crisis intervention team.

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