Drilling offspring at Zwergottern in Schönbrunn «kleinezeitung.at


The leaders of Tiergarten had almost lost hope in the Otters. The message is now all the more beautiful.

21:16, 12 July 2018

<img clbad = "lazyload" src = "https://media.kleinezeitung.at/images /uploads_520/d/5/0/5463376/-HANDOUT–TIERGARTEN-SCHNBRUNN-DRILLINGSNACHWUCHS-BEI-ZWERGOTTERN_1531423201134239_v0_l.jpg "title =" Bild: (c) APA / NORBERT POTENSKY "alt =" ++ DOCUMENT ++ TIERGARTEN SCH NBRUNN: NIGHT DRILLING AT ZWERGOTTERN [19659008] © c) APA / NORBERT POTENSKY

At the Tiergarten Schönbrunn in Vienna, there are offspring of Asian otters. "Blanche" gave birth to triplets on May 17 which now leave their Visitor Caves This was announced Thursday by the Tiergarten

Recently, 15 years ago, there was a young offspring of the Asian dwarf Otters in Schönbrunn.One of the Cubs of the time , the male "Clyde", with his partner "Blanche" of the Duisburg Zoo, has created new blood. "The two have been living together for seven years, we have almost lost hope and are very happy that it has worked, "said Tiergarten director Dagmar Schratter in a press release.

The three young animals – their bad not yet known – were raised by their mother in a cave until now. "At birth, otter boy are blind.Only at the age of about 40 days, the eyes open.Now, the little ones grabbed curiosity, and they already leave the Cave," said Schratter.

With a maximum length of 90 centimeters, the dwarf otter is the smallest species of otter. In small groups, he lives on the rivers, lakes and coast of Southeast Asia. Due to the loss of its habitat, it is clbadified as "endangered" on the red list. "Dwarf otters have fairly short claws, which is why they are also called short-tongued otters, but the diet of these diurnal predators is not fish, but shellfish and crustaceans, and the youngsters are fed for about three months, "says Zookeeper Gerald Schachermair. In Schönbrunn, dwarf otters are found in the rainforest.

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