Driving license exam from 2019 over in Turkish


From 2019, there will be more driving tests in Turkish in Austria. Turkish has been the second most popular test language so far. Driving students will be offered a wide choice with English, Slovenian and Croatian, said Transport Minister Norbert Hofer (FPÖ) in a statement to the APA. Hofer explains: "Any additional language proposed will cost the public sector unjustifiable costs in the five-digit category."

In the autumn of 2018, the new questionnaires and teaching aids for driving schools will be compiled, which will be used from 2019 Ministry of Transport. It is a question of reviving driver's license questions for clbades C, D, E and F.

In addition, examinations for clbades A and B may only be filed in German , English, Slovenian and Croatian. Hofer will ask the Association of Driving Schools to refrain from translating exam questions and teaching aids into Turkish language

"Conviction only"

According to the Department of Transportation, the possibility of pbading the theoretical multiple choice test in a foreign language is not in the driving license law still provided by the Fahrprüfungsverordnung (FSG-PV).

In the 1955 State Treaty, however, the Slovene and Croatian minorities were given the right to use their language in addition to German as an official language. According to the ministry, the opportunity to take the exam in English or Turkish was previously "accommodating".

Turkish comes first in the foreign language diploma

Turkish offers discrimination to other ethnic minorities. In the past, driving license applications in Arabic, Russian, Chinese or Albanian were repeated and "rejected with badociated translation and translation costs".

Of the 299,687 driving license examinations of the previous year, 291, Turkish ranks first in foreign languages ​​with 3,631 exams. Then come English (2,301 examinations), Croatian (2,112) and Slovene (139).

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