Due to Semmel by 14 cents moved to the police – Upper Austria


The 58-year-old man had selected various items in a supermarket in the Bavarian border town. For a roll (purchase price: 14 cents), he apparently did not want to spend anything. Why, stay a mystery!

Because, as reported by the police, 58-year-olds simply put on the bun. His bad luck: a shop badistant had observed

The security guard was then monitoring the client. At checkout, the suspect paid two different items with the debit card. But he did not put the roll on the sales desk, but threw it in front of the cashier. Then the detective intervened.

The police patrol arrived at a distance of 20 kilometers

He questioned the Mühlviertler, did not let him go. When the accused could not identify, a police patrol moved from the station about 20 kilometers from Hauzenberg.

Austrian colleagues then had to check and confirm the specified personal data.

This is only when the suspect thief can return home, but it is posted. And that for 14 cents

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