Easy game for Hassan Rohani in Vienna «DiePresse.com


Vienna. That's what the Iranian president likes. Hbadan Rohani in Vienna has not been worried by critical issues. The journalists simply did not have the right to ask: neither at the press conference with the Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen, which took place at the Hofburg Council Chamber, nor at the Federal Chancellery at the time of the Subsequent appearance of Rohani with Sebastian Kurz. The Iranian side had said it two weeks ago, he said in the presidential chancery. What should be done there, one could not force the guests of the Islamic Republic to suspend the questions of the journalists.

Thus, Rohani had free rein to the media crowd. His remarks revolved around the nuclear agreement reached in Vienna three years ago, from which US President Trump crashed in May. The Americans would have not only violated an international agreement, but also peace, stability in the world – and their own national interests, Rohani.

Atomic Summit Friday in Vienna

The nuclear agreement is important for the whole world. And his government, said Rohani, is ready to stick to that even without the United States. However, only provided that Iran can benefit from it. On Friday, the foreign ministers of the signatory countries, Iran, Germany, France, Britain, Russia and China will meet in Vienna to save the nuclear deal. But it is not so easy. Because the Americans have not only restored the sanctions against Iran. They also threaten to use punitive measures to prevent foreign companies doing business in Iran from leaving the US market. The Iranians would claim much: a complete compensation

In his criticism of the United States, the President of Austria, Alexander Van der Bellen, was in agreement with his guest from Iran. He described the US secondary sanctions, which also affect Austrian companies, because of their extraterritorial application as a violation of international law. The Vienna Nuclear Agreement is a key element of the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, which was unanimously approved by the UN Security Council at that time. The Atomic Energy Agency, based in Vienna, had confirmed to Iran in eleven reports that she had joined. The nuclear agreement was never designed to solve all the problems related to relations with Iran, but it opened a window on this problem.

Trump called the nuclear deal worse than ever. Not only does it bother him that he has an expiration date and that Iran can then revive its nuclear program. Americans find it irritating that Tehran's Islamist regime is aggressively expanding its influence in the Middle East and could also use funds for that, after easing economic sanctions in exchange for freezing its nuclear program. In fact, Iran is not only on the side of Assad in Syria, but also in Yemen. In addition, Tehran supports Hezbollah militias in southern Lebanon and Palestinian terrorist organizations

"Jews are responsible for us"

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused Europe of appeasement before the Rohani's visit to Vienna and Bern. Sebastian Kurz telephoned Netanyahu even before meeting Rohani. In his press release, the Chancellor described as unacceptable the fact that in Iran the Holocaust was denied, the right to the existence of Israel was questioned , even called for its destruction. After that, he became weird in an exchange with Rohani. "We saved the Jews in Babylon, you have a debt to us," the Iranian president said, returning to Babylonian captivity, which dates back more than 2,500 years. Iran has good relations with Jews around the world, but not with the Zionists, who oppress the people of Gaza and support the Islamic State (IS) in Syria.

Van der Bellen had previously been clearly committed to the right of Israel to exist, but at the same time delighted about Austria's diplomatic relations with Iran, which has existed for 160 years. Dialogue has always been maintained even in difficult times

Hofburg: "Terror diplomat" is not a problem

Van der Bellen hinted that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had refused diplomatic status to a Counselor of the Iranian Embbady in Vienna. Against the man there is a European arrest warrant. He is accused of being at the head of a terrorist plot whose purpose was a bomb attack on a rally of the National Council of Resistance of Iran's opposition near Paris. The diplomat is detained in Germany. The Iranian government denies everything and speaks of a machination under the "false flag". This interpretation seems to follow that of the Presidential Chancellery of Vienna. Van der Bellen did not include the subject in the delegation's discussion. For a short time at least required "full enlightenment."

Supporters of the National Council of Resistance demonstrated at Stephansplatz. Far from the closed Hofburg and the sight of Rohanis.


("Die Presse", printed edition, 05.07.2018)

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