Editorial Board of the ORF: "The greatest existential crisis" | Nachrichten.at


Editorial Board of the ORF: "The greatest existential crisis"

Resolution against "economic and political pincers".

ORF Editor's Committee:

"Europa Backstage" showed HC Strache at the gym. For the editorial board "far from any journalistic principle". Image: ORF Screen Capture

"The ORF is in danger": Under this apocalyptic title, the editorial board of the media giant announced yesterday its word. At present, the ORF is threatened with "the greatest existential crisis since its inception, and we fear the intentional destruction of an economic and political clamp," he continues. It is about influencing politics in the editorial content, as well as in the structure of the governing body "Board of Trustees", in which the political circles of the parties would have the floor instead of independent media experts.

"Rude questions"

But what exactly does it mean when the ORF body, made up of spokespersons for radio, television, the Internet, teletext and provincial studios, talks about the fact that moderators are threatened with losing their job if they have unwanted questions? "About this FPÖ politician, Harald Vilimsky complained that ORF presenter Patricia Pawlicki had asked the President of the National Council that he was not afraid that Vilimsky would rush in this way, "said a committee member. Either the complaint of the Minister of the Interior, Herbert Kickl, posed by the presenter of the Report, Susanne Schnabl, "rude questions".

The emergence of program formats such as "Europa Backstage" creates confusion internally. "We do not know who is responsible for this case for the politicians, probably the general manager Alexander Wrabetz himself," said a member of the editorial board. Heinz-Christian Strache, boss of the FP, was allowed, among other things, to "five minutes not disputed through his gym and talk about his slimming program – disguised as a political cover, it will not work".

The resolution even addresses the most valuable expenses: the exemption of the legal fees of more than 300,000 households must be at least partially refunded.

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