Eight killed in a sinking at sea in the US state of Missouri «DiePresse.com


The sinking of a tourist boat on a lake in the US state of Missouri on Thursday killed at least eight people. In addition, the number of missing people is still greater, Sheriff Doug Radar told local media. He badumed that the storm was the cause of the disaster. Rescue operations proved difficult.

According to local media, about 30 people were aboard the boat at Table Rock Lake. The local fire department said that it was an incident with many casualties, the number of casualties and deaths in double-digit numbers

According to forecasts weather, thunderstorms and strong winds in the area. The ship – a sort of amphibious vehicle – remained under water. Rescuers, including divers, were at the scene of the accident. Table Rock Lake is an artificial lake located just south of the town of Springfield, near the border with Arkansas.

(APA / dpa)

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