Electoral campaign in South Tyrol: final settlement with Rome


Bolzano – The election campaign in South Tyrol was a little reminiscent of the 2013 provincial election campaign. At that time, the Tyrolean governor, Günther Platter (VP), warned that the situation in the Tyrol in Italy had finally brought together eleven parties. Yesterday, his counterpart of South Tyrol and main candidate of the People's Party of South Tyrol (SVP), Arno Kompatscher, was alarmed by the situation in Rome. The Italian government has sent too many negative messages in recent days in South Tyrol.

Minister Riccardo Fraccaro (five-star movement) wants to put an end to the construction of the Brenner Base Tunnel (BBT) and overcome the second status of autonomy or transfer its autonomy in the South Tyrol-Trentino region. The budget dispute between Italy and the EU also overshadows the national elections. That's why Arno Kompatscher and party leader, Philipp Achammer, have created a chaotic group in Rome. In South Tyrol, you need even more calculation and stability.

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Seventeen seats reached the position of Executive Vice President in 2013, these are expected losses. Recently, however, the mood has once again cleared up. External activists have contributed to this: on the Italian side, the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, who wants to badert his rights with his right-wing populist, Lega, and the vice-chancellor of the FPÖ, the Austria, Heinz-Christian Strache. Both fired at the SVP and provided, but the same goes for a solidarity effect.

At the rally yesterday in Bolzano, Platter also supported his colleague from Euregio, Arno Kompatscher. (Pn)

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