Emanuela Orlandi and Mirella Gregori: Discovery on Vatican Property Could Clarify Two Ancient Criminal Cases – World


The discovery of human remains on a Vatican site has nurtured the hope of illuminating two criminal cases that are 35 years old. As the Vatican announced on Tuesday, fragments of human bones were found during restoration work in an annex of the Vatican diplomatic mission in Rome. The investigating authorities are currently investigating the bones.

By means of genetic badyzes, the investigators want to know if they are the remains of the 1983 missing girls in Rome, Emanuela Orlandi and Mirella Gregori. The disappearance of Emanuela has been fueled by speculation for decades: it has been speculated that the mafia, secret services or organizations that wanted to kill the pope could be behind it.

The daughter of a 15-year-old Vatican police officer did not return home after music lessons on June 22, 1983. One of the theses is that she was was kidnapped by members of a criminal organization to put pressure on the Vatican officials to repay money borrowed. According to another theory, Emanuela was reportedly kidnapped to force the release of Turkish Mehmet Ali Agca, who murdered Pope John Paul II in 1981.

Emanuela's brother, Pietro, has been asking for more thorough investigation of his sister's fate for years and accuses the Vatican of trying to hide it. The Vatican has repeatedly worked closely with the investigators.

Mirella Gregori had disappeared 40 days before Orlandi. According to her mother, after talking to the intercom, she told her parents that a clbadmate wanted to speak to her briefly. She just went out quickly. She never came back. The investigators do not exclude a link between the two missing persons cases. (AFP)

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