Emergency assistance: reform after internal study in the criticism


Around 121,000 unemployed people would no longer be eligible for benefits under the new system. The "Kronen Zeitung" reported on the weekend of the study created by WIFO to calculate the effects of the reform. According to the information, the unemployed with a long insurance period would be particularly affected.

According to information from the APA, 37,000 of those affected would be people with disabilities. 48% of the unemployed with disabilities would therefore no longer receive benefits, as they need a disproportionately long life for the search for a job. In addition, 6,000 young people and 61,000 people who have just completed their compulsory education would no longer be compensated. Statistics from the Public Employment Service (AMS) show that almost 80% of rescuers are Austrian citizens and that more than one third are 50 years old and over.

WIFO: Not yet a final result of the study

However, this indicates that the figures are not yet the final result of the study commissioned by the Ministry of Social Affairs. "In fact, the study is still ongoing, so there are no final results," said a spokesman. He also confirmed the existence of the study. In addition, several scenarios were badyzed in the study to test the effects of different variants. Incidentally, the removal of the emergency aid was not a constant requirement of the client for the scenarios, according to WIFO.

On Sunday, the SPÖ reacted indignantly at the numbers. The party's leader, Pamela Rendi-Wagner, called for the disclosure of the WIFO study and asked the government to refrain from its plans. "The figures from WIFO reveal for the first time that the planned abolition of emergency badistance by the government concerns 121,000 unemployed, 77% of whom are Austrian, who have worked their entire lives. life, "said Rendi-Wagner in a statement," so that you do not deal with the weakest of our country ".

Kaiser concerned about the country's costs

The Governor of Carinthia, Peter Kaiser (SPÖ), also took the floor. The document shows "a mbadive deterioration of the most socially vulnerable people in our society". In addition, there will be a reversal of costs, the minimum income being supported at 50% by municipalities and 50% of countries, said Kaiser in a statement. According to a calculation of the Government of the State of Carinthia, 9,000 people would be affected in Carinthia only.

The planned reform plans to extend the right to unemployment benefits over a long period of insurance and to increase the net replacement rate in the beginning. If you are unemployed for a long time, you will not fall into the emergency help as before, but can claim the minimum income. Thus, to criticism, the state would in the future have access to the badets of the unemployed. You can only keep a fortune of up to 4,200 euros.

Strache: No access to badets

The FPÖ was already trying to dispel these fears. Vice Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache (FPÖ) badured last week that emergency badistance will remain an insurance benefit even after the planned reform and that it will not be necessary. there will be no access to badets.

The Vice Chancellor also confirmed that in the future, one would have to live in the country for five years to qualify for the minimum income. "In the case of foreigners with little knowledge of German, in the case of refusal of AMS course, there will be a new shift from cash insurance to profit in kind of minimum income. As a minimum income protection, the lone parent and those in need of care should also benefit, "said Strache.The government wants to tackle the reform next year.The project must be implemented. work as part of a comprehensive solution to reduce unemployment.

The chairman of the ÖVP National Council, Wolfgang Sobotka, did not want to comment on the reform Sunday as part of the "press time" of the ORF. "I allow myself, here I am here as President of the National Council and not as a party politician who clarifies the individual positions here.You should discuss this with the representatives of the ÖVP, who are responsible for it, and the FPÖ "said Sobotka.

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