"Emergency help remains an insurance benefit" | Nachrichten.at


"Emergency help remains an insurance benefit"

VIENNA. The Minister of Social Affairs, Beate Hartinger-Klein, confirmed Monday again by the FPÖ that the emergency aid was not completely removed.

Beate Hartinger-Klein

Minister of Social Affairs Beate Hartinger-Klein (FPÖ) Picture: (APA)

"The FPÖ and I guarantee that emergency badistance will remain as an insurance service," said Hartinger-Klein. On behalf of the ÖVP, they did not want to comment on the content and referred to the ongoing negotiations on the reform of the unemployment benefit.

Over the weekend, it had been learned that the Department of Social Affairs had commissioned a study at the Institute for Economic Research on the effects of emergency aid reform. . The Wifo confirmed the existence of the study, but stressed that there was no final result yet. In this study, several scenarios were badyzed to examine the effects of different variants. The abolition of emergency badistance was "not a consistent specification of the client," Wifo said.

Hartinger-Klein again resisted the presentation Monday, the emergency aid is removed and appears "furious" in the reports: "As WIFO has already made it clear, there is no ready study on the It is strange that the SPÖ plays with the needs of the population and that a very specific uncertainty is exercised here, "she also told opposition critics.

For the moment, the ÖVP has not made any substantive comment on the subject. In both the party and the parliamentary club, only the ongoing negotiations with the FPÖ for the reform of the unemployment allowance were referred to. The government's program is the foundation, said a spokesman.

In the government program of the turquoise-blue coalition, the chapter "works" provides for "the harmonization, reorientation and development of unemployment benefits, emergency badistance and protection of the minimum income ". To this end, a "NEW unemployment benefit" should be created, with a "degressive level of benefit design with a clear timetable and integration of aid. emergency". In other words, the longer the unemployment benefit, the lower it becomes. Emergency badistance should be included in this new unemployment benefit – which would mean their removal.

Hartinger-Klein was concerned about this topic from the beginning. As early as January of this year, she declared that the long-term unemployed would not be covered by the minimum income. "The German Hartz IV model will not exist with me as the Minister of Social Affairs," she said on 3 January. Only two days later, the head of the department, following a reprimand from Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP), retorted: "The" new unemployment benefit "is supposed to replace the aid of Emergency, "she said then.

And precisely, this question revolves around the current discussion: for the long-term unemployed who would no longer benefit from emergency badistance, they would only remain the application of the minimum income. In this case, the badets are accessible. The FPÖ has resisted this impression for days. The members of the ÖVP are extremely attached to this subject. The ÖVP club president, August Wöginger, however, did not want to exclude – for example during a conversation with nachrichten.at from January this year – that he could arrive at an access to badets.

Under the current system, a person who becomes unemployed receives unemployment benefits for about one year (depending on length of service), which is 55% of the net replacement rate. After that, permanent help is provided for emergency relief (essentially 92% of the basic unemployment benefit). If a person has not made a claim for unemployment insurance, they can apply for a minimum income protection. However, there is access to the badets of the person concerned – with the exception of only apartments and cars (if a business need is indicated) and a fortune of about 4,200 euros.

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