Employee hoarded data of politicians ÖVP


<img src = "http://www.wienerzeitung.at/_em_daten/_cache/image/1xS2TRCfeMscC4CuWe3edlB0Y9_eTs7VtUZUonfqA6Ko7h9UlDokgpKwkeNOicAr20kYD4P5eRDZEfxztVm1fUiMwZV3rHjn4YrmyHIYXCJriXgaJ1TyEuwzIC5olA5ZHEqsifGPSRFnbGiSgXT_iy7Q/180711-1301-themenbild-bundesamt-fuer-verfbadungsschutz-und-terrorismusbekaempfung-bvt.jpg" alt = "L & One of the allegations of the Causa regarding the protection of the Constitution is that the BVT (image) should not have erased the data of the Viennese lawyer Gabriel Lansky as part of the case's handling. Aliyev "ordered by the court." Clbad = "em_article_image" title = "One of the allegations in the Causa around the protection of the Constitution is that the BVT (image) should not have erased the data from it. Viennese lawyer Gabriel Lansky in handling the case "Aliyev" as ordered by the court. " One of the allegations in the case concerning the protection of the Constitution is that the BVT (image) should not have erased the data of the Viennese lawyer Gabriel Lansky as part of the handling of the case " Aliyev "ordered by the court. © APAweb / Herbert Neubauer [19659003] One of the allegations in the Causa around the protection of the Constitution is that the BVT (image) should not have data from the Vienna lawyer Gabriel Lansky in the context of treatment of the cause "Aliyev" from G ericht arranged erased. © APAweb / Herbert Neubauer

Vienna. An employee of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and the Fight against Terrorism (BVT) hoarded the private data of members of the government and prosecutors. This is proven by the APA survey documents after the home search in the BVT. In a letter addressed to the former Director General of Public Security, Herbert Anderl, the ÖVP-close-man also proposed a "networking". The man is currently under investigation for abuse of authority.

The list of private addresses, phone numbers and other details of 2013 that the BVT employee had kept at his place of residence is long and important. Among them are former members of the government such as former Vice-Chancellor Reinhold Mitterlehner, former Interior Minister Johanna Mikl-Leitner and Wolfgang Sobotka, the former Minister of Finance Hans Jörg Schelling, former Lower Austrian governor Erwin Pröll and Chancellor Gernot Blümel.

The obsession with personal data indicates the lawsuits "Aliyev"

But not just private information about politicians had the man stored on the hard drive. Prosecutors Hans-Peter Kronawetter and Susanne Kerbl-Cortella as well as several judges are concerned, according to the documents. For some people, the home environment may have been the focus of attention. The origin of the data, whether from the register of electors or from other databases, is not clear for the moment.

However, the data indicate judicial control of the "Aliyev" case. Thus, in the database seizures are involved in addition to the prosecutors involved also detention and judicial magistrates and a lawyer.

One of the allegations in the case surrounding the protection of the Constitution is that the BVT data of the Vienna prosecutor Gabriel Lansky in the treatment of the Cause "Aliyev" did not erase as ordered by the court. This suspicion also serves as a justification for the house searches that took place at the end of February. According to the investigators, the personal details – even those of prominent ÖVP politicians – from unjustified petitions in the BVT come from

Member of a Catholic Association

In the letter to the address of Anderl in February 2009, BVT employees as "federal brother". "The Director General The man belonged to a Catholic connection wearing color in Vienna and was working at the time of his writing with the protection of the constitution in the acquisition of information and the investigation. "Politically, the employee of BVT in the Youth Party (JVP) in appearance

As an intention, the man said in his letter to Anderl wanting to do" work in network "- by imparting knowledge." I do not only want to make you aware of my "existence" in BAT, but also to tell you that I am always at your disposal for authentic information far from the formal channels and for a personal presentation of my possibilities (…) ", he wrote literally.

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