EU Presidency: EU testifies in a devastating way in Romania


Since joining the European Union in 2007, the European Union has been monitoring the evolution of the justice system and anti-corruption measures in Romania. On Tuesday, the latest report on the situation was released. It is devastating: over the past decade, significant progress has been made; Great regression in the last twelve months. It's a "sad thing," said European Commission President Frans Timmermans.

According to Timmermans, this applies especially to controversial legislative changes in the judiciary and pressure on the national anti-corruption authority. There are therefore eight other recommendations for Romania, which must be implemented immediately. "We want Romania to end the controversial laws immediately."

"No discussion" on the procedure of Article 7

All appointments and dismissals of prosecutors should be immediately stopped and a high-level special investigator should be set up, said Timmermans, who also criticized the development of the media sector in Romania.

First Vice President and European Commissioner Frans Timmerman

Reuters / Vincent Kessler

Timmermans: "We want Romania to put an immediate end to the controversial laws".

The media must be able to operate without pressure. This will also be closely monitored by the Commission, said Timmermanns. There is currently no discussion on the opening of Rule of Law procedure under Article 7, said Vice-President of the Commission. Such a procedure is in progress against Poland and Hungary.

"Disparage" of Romania under penalty

The European Parliament is also deeply concerned about the Romanian government's criminal law reform. The new regulation was likely to weaken the independence of the judiciary and thus the rule of law, warned Parliament in a resolution adopted Tuesday. At the same time, the ability to "fight corruption effectively" is restricted. The Bucharest Government must oppose any measure that discriminates against corruption, according to the text adopted by a large majority.

Parliament was also concerned about new legislation limiting the work of non-governmental organizations. In addition, the European Parliament criticized the plans to criminalize the "denigration of Romania abroad" and to reintroduce the "defamation" offense in the criminal law. These measures were aimed at a "political restriction of the freedom of the media".

The European Parliament also referred to the ongoing debate in Romania about the alleged interference of the Romanian intelligence services in the work of the judiciary. In the face of such events, parliamentary scrutiny of intelligence should be strengthened.

Romanian government rejects criticism

Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila and her party leader Liviu Dragnea rejected the Commission's criticism. Politicians of the Romanian Social Democrats (PSD) stressed that the positions were less important than the real problems of the country. Preparations for the Romanian presidency of the EU proceeded as planned, said Dancila.

Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila

APA / AFP / Frédéric Florin

Romanian Prime Minister Dancila defended her government against Commission criticism

Dragnea stressed: "Romania's major problems go beyond any report and scrutiny." Dragnea has been found guilty of electoral manipulation and must not become a prime minister himself. He is considered a stripper in the background.

President: the country is not suitable for the presidency of the EU

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis, however, believes that his country is not fit to badume the Austrian EU presidency on 1 January 2019. The EU presidency was a "very honorable task, but demanding ". "I think we are not prepared for that," he said. "The political necessity is now to replace this accident of Romanian democracy, namely the Dragnea-Dancila government."

Romanian President Klaus Werner Johannis

APA / AFP / Frédéric Florin

President Iohannis does not see Romania prepared for the presidency

Iohannis, close to the social-liberal opposition, lamented the chaos in the government following the resignation of European Minister Viktor Negrescu. The 33-year-old journalist announced his resignation Friday after a dispute in the government over the state of preparations for the EU Council presidency. The successor of Negrescus is George Ciamba, who is considered a confidant close to Dragneas.

Positive development in Bulgaria

In parallel with the report on Romania, the European Commission also presented a report on Bulgaria, which is much more positive. "If this positive development continues and the progress achieved is durably consolidated and irreversible, I am very confident that the cooperation and control procedure for Bulgaria can be completed before the end of the current Commission's mandate," said Timmermans. . The term ends on November 1, 2019.

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