EU would have rejected Theresa May's proposal | TIME ONLINE


For the British Prime Minister Theresa May The negotiations on Brexit seem to be even more difficult. Like the newspaper Sunday Times citing unnamed sources, the European Union rejected a May proposal on trade policy. The prime minister had sought a so-called independent mechanism allowing Britain to end a temporary customs agreement with the EU after Brexit. The dispute is mainly about the border between Northern Ireland and Ireland.

In addition, the newspaper writes that four British ministers are planning to withdraw from May's government. A minister quoted Sunday Times say that the time has come when the EU must make the EU understand that the community has to compromise, if not Britain leave the EU without a regulated exit agreement.

Already Friday the newspaper had The sun reported
British cabinet members would have a plan B for the prime minister
in case of unregulated United Kingdom and Gibraltar European Union membership referendum offers. Plan B should
Can give two more years if their plan for the exit of the EU is not
adopted by the British Parliament.

According to the report, unnamed ministers hinted that Britain would continue until 2021.
Pay membership fees to the EU and follow the rules of the block
could avoid serious consequences of a difficult Brexit. However, may have the plan as
currently not necessary.

Open limit for agreement on Good Friday

Britain wants to leave the EU by the end of March 2019. Border traffic between Ireland, an EU member, and the British province of Northern Ireland is particularly controversial in the negotiations Release. Ireland rejects a rigid border with the resulting border controls.

An open border on the Irish island is considered essential to maintain the agreement on Good Friday, which triggered in 1998 a civil war North Ireland completed. Negotiators are looking for a temporary solution that should automatically come into effect if there is no agreement in principle. The London government wants to limit such an emergency solution, which the EU rejects.

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