Eurofighter pilots train again for supersonic flights |


Eurofighter pilots train again for supersonic flights

VIENNA. From 5 to 16 November 2018, Eurofighter pilots of the Federal Armed Forces Abfangmanver train in the supersonic zone.

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There are two supersonic flights per day (except weekends) between 8am and 4pm. Although measures were taken to keep the noise level low, one could hear either noise.

The army said Wednesday that only proper training would maintain the safety of air operations. Pilots train under real physical stress, which can not be displayed in the simulator.

Agglomerations are spared

It flies over almost the entire federal territory, with the exception of the Agglomeration, Tyrol and Vorarlberg areas. Suburban areas adjacent to provincial capitals are omitted for supersonic flights. The flights are made at an altitude of 12,500 meters, to minimize the risk of shock.

Supersonic speed starts at about 1200 km / h. If a Eurofighter approaches this speed, this causes a stowage of the aircraft. These can be perceived on the floor as a sound boom. The volume depends in particular on the level of flight, the structure of the terrain and the weather conditions.

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