European Commission targets Airbnb real estate broker «


The current presentation of the cost of accommodation on the Airbnb housing platform is not in compliance with EU regulations in the region, said Monday the European Commission. The American company has until the end of August to submit appropriate improvement suggestions. If this is not enough, the case will be pbaded on to consumer advocates from the 28 EU Member States, Justice Commissioner Vera Jourova

said. One of the questions that the Brussels Authority considers it necessary to review is that of prices. In this case, the Internet service must indicate any additional costs, such as booking or cleaning fees, from the first request for research. In addition, it had to be clear whether it was a private operator or a professional provider, since different rules apply.

Airbnb wants to cooperate with the Commission. "We take the issue very seriously and strive to be as transparent as possible to our customers," said a spokesman for the London company. Before confirming a reservation, guests will be informed of applicable fees. Work on a clarification of points to the authority.

Similar to its rival Wimdu, Airbnb offers private apartments to travelers, making hotels great competitors. Critics accuse the American company of being responsible for the sharp rise in rents in tourist centers such as Barcelona or Berlin.


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