European Commissioner Hahn calls at the end of Turkey's accession negotiations «


Turkey's accession negotiations with the EU should be formally abandoned, according to European Commissioner Johannes Hahn. "In the long run, I think it would be more honest that Turkey and the EU are adopting new ways and ending the accession negotiations," Hahn told the "World" ( Tuesday).

The accession to membership negotiations in progress since 2005 has so far blocked the path to a "realistic strategic partnership", said the Commissioner for Enlargement.

At the same time, Hahn specified that the decision on the matter rested with the governments of the Member States. Among them, until recently, no majority for an official closing of the talks was foreseeable. During the June deliberations, it was only stated that the negotiations were virtually stalled and that only fundamental changes in Turkey could succeed.

In this context, EU states have noted a deeply worrying regression of the rule of law, fundamental rights and freedom of expression. Actions against journalists, academics, human rights activists, political opponents and social media users could not be tolerated, it was also said in a statement adopted in June.

One of the reasons for keeping the candidate status for Turkey's EU membership is the migration crisis. Withdrawal of the status could endanger the refugee pact with the country from the point of view of many states. It is one of the reasons why many fewer migrants arrive in Europe than in 2015.

The pact provides for the EU to return all migrants arriving illegally in the Greek islands via Turkey. In return, EU countries relieve Turkey of vulnerable Syrian refugees and provide badistance to refugees living in Turkey. Up to now, the country has hosted nearly 3.6 million refugees.

Hahn pleads for the customs union

As a possible alternative to the EU accession negotiations, Hahn called in the talks "global" talks on an extension of the customs union with Turkey. However, this had temporarily excluded the EU countries in June.

With his open position, Hahn supports Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP). He is considered the most prominent defender of an official end of membership negotiations with Turkey. He has only small partisans in the circle of heads of state and government. A consensual abrogation of the accession negotiations is rejected by Turkey. The country even asks not only to continue negotiations on fallow, but even to expand them.

(APA / dpa)

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