European Court of Justice: genetic engineering remains strictly regulated



In Luxembourg, the European Court of Justice delivered a much-awaited verdict by EU Member States, farmers, environmentalists and consumers. New genetic engineering methods such as gene scissors are therefore subject to strict conditions. The risks badociated with the use of these procedures are "comparable" to those of the oldest, ruled the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in a decision announced Wednesday (case C-528/16). They are therefore covered by the European law on genetic engineering. Above all, the verdict does not appeal to the farmers' badociation. However, many consumers breathe a sigh of relief. Why do we explain here:

What is it?

There are new methods in agriculture that greatly simplify the breeding of plants and animals (Crispr-Case 9). What took many years and often was not worth it is now fast, profitable and focused. But these methods have also raised the question: is it still breeding or even genetic engineering?

Why is a distinction important?

Genetically modified organisms, GMOs for short, are subject to strict European rules. For example, in the EU, only GMOs that have been tested for their compatibility with the environment and then allowed can be released into the environment and put on the market. Labeling should also make a difference for consumers: foods whose ingredients are perceived as genetically modified are often suspect in Germany. And "genetic engineering by clutter", that is to say for lack of labeling, reject many.

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What is mutagenesis?

This is a breeding technique used to alter the genetic makeup of plants and animals. The goal is to cause mutations: by ionizing radiation or by mutagenic chemicals. However, it is a long process with a lot of random factors that is difficult to control. For organisms created by so-called mutagenesis methods, there has been an exception in Europe up until now: they were not subject to the strict rules of GMOs until recently.

What exactly is the method of Crispr-Cas9?

Crispr-Case for short palindromic repeats regularly grouped and interspersed. The fact that the previous legal regulations are no longer sufficient, depends mainly on this method. This is a high precision genetic chisel. Thus, DNA is stored in the genetic material of living beings, cut, destroyed or selectively modified. The change is called genome editing. This method saves a lot of time and money for breeders because the desired changes are made much faster than before and are extremely accurate. The results may seem to have been created by natural means.

What are the advantages and opportunities of the Crispr-Cas9 method?

In addition to reproduction, it can also be used to study and treat diseases. Crispr-Cas has already been used for the production of yeast for more effective production of cancer drugs, but also for the breeding of a bacteria-resistant rice plant or soy-tolerant to drought. And if anopheles mosquito-transmitting malaria genes could be permanently altered, it could end malaria

What are the risks?

The long-term effects on the environment and humans have long been under-researched. Since many changes are difficult to prove, they are difficult to reduce. So, the result could be a mbadive intervention in the ecosystem. Comment on this page

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