Even children die in fire in Solothurn – six deaths – Switzerland


When the fire department, which had been alerted at 02:10, had arrived in the area, the entire building was in smoke, said Boris Anderegg, Solothurn fire brigade commander: "Many people have stood in the window to ask for help. "

It was discovered only after the fact that there had been deaths. One of them was busy rescuing many people. "It was a very incisive operation," said the Keystone-SDA video fire brigade commander: "It's a burden for everyone."

More than 20 people in the house

A resident noticed 14 hours of smoke in the stairwell and sounded the alarm. Firefighters left with a large contingent. More than twenty people resided in the four-story building of the Wengistrbade, near the old town of Solothurn. Most of them put the firefighters to the shelter by ladders.

For six people, all help arrived too late. Among them are children. The victims have not been identified, said Bruno Gribi, spokesman for the cantonal police, at the request of the Keystone-SDA agency. As a result, no other details could be given. The fire was a "very tragic case".

Several people in the hospital

Even during the firefighting work, rescuers evacuated the nearby house. Its residents were able to go home at night. According to the police, several people are hospitalized. Details about these people were not available on Monday midday.

Initial findings indicate that the fire broke out on a lower floor and produced heavy smoke. This has spread throughout the building. The fire completely destroyed the ground floor.

The cause of the fire is still unknown. Specialists of the cantonal police opened investigations. Dozens of firefighters, the cantonal and municipal police, ambulances and care teams mobilized.

The event was also very stressful physically and psychologically for rescuers, said police spokesman Gribi. Mayor Kurt Fluri spoke to the Tele M1 regional TV channel about a "black day for Solothurn".

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