"Even more effective than cannabis" – News Knowledge: Medicine & Psychology


In collaboration with collaborators from the University of Bern and ETH Zurich, they studied for the first time natural products derived from THC. Why do we only hear about this stuff now?

Until now, it was believed that cannabis was the only plant producing THC. But in reality, the Japanese plant scientist Yoshinori Asakawa in 1994 had already found a THC-related substance in the hepatic Radula perrottetii and had given him this natural substance called perrottetin. But he just described the structure and did no further badysis. Someone had to find Asakawa's publication and say to himself: why does not the hepatic smoker even smoke? In any case, it can be found in the relevant forums as a "legal drug".

And there you became aware?

Yes, my research group is interested in psychoactive substances, especially cannabinoids. When we read the contradictory and anecdotal descriptions of the effects of perrottetines, we decided to study the substance in a scientific way and compare it to THC.

What is the result?

In perrottetins, atoms are bonded in the same way as in THC, but they differ in their three-dimensional disposition on one atom and also have an aromatic ring. In experiments on mice, this has an effect similar to that of THC: perrottetine simply penetrates the brain and activates the cannabinoid receptors. However, the side effects, the "strong" in THC, are much less important, not only because the substance is less potent, but also because inflammatory prostaglandins are inhibited in the brain. THC is not. An increase in prostaglandins would be the main cause of some side effects of THC. Perrottetinen is therefore actually like the cannabinoids of the body, called endocannabinoids.

What diseases could cure or relieve perrottetines?

From our data, it can be badumed that it is the same indications as in THC, for example as tumor badgesics. In chronic or inflammatory diseases of the nervous system, it could even be more effective. In particular, the therapeutic effects on chronic inflammatory diseases of the nervous system, for example multiple sclerosis, must now be better studied in animal models.

CBD cannabidiol, currently available in newsstands and has something to talk about, has few side effects. How does perrottetin look like this substance?

Not at all. The CBD does not have a clear mechanism, you do not know exactly how it works. It is actually a precursor of THC, and you also need it in large quantities to achieve clinically relevant effects.

Perrottetines are less psychoactive, you say. Why is it advertised on the "high high" forums?

Perrottetin is certainly psychoactive, it affects the brain. Although it is difficult to conclude mice to humans, it is still unclear, but: Our results indicate that the adverse effects in humans could be considerably lower than those of THC. As an anti-noise medicine, Perrottetinen is not particularly attractive, which can also be read in the forum reports. The inclined consumer is probably better served with THC.

Hepatic is found only in New Zealand, Costa Rica and Japan. Why?

We have examined a kind of hepatic of the genus Radula in Switzerland. But it does not contain perrottetines. It probably requires an ecological factor, for example a particular condition of the soil. Or there is a stressor here, like a recovering enemy. Genetics could also be present in the Swiss hepatic of the genus Radula, but perrottetin is not produced.

Could you also grow the perrottetin mousse in Switzerland?

It is not easy Maybe you could do it biotechnologically in another foam. We did it synthetically. Also, because you can not just export the foam, there are regulations. The amount of foam needed would have been too important anyway.

THC is still available in Switzerland only with the agreement of the doctor. Even the least psychoactive CBD is officially available only in a few pharmacies. Does Perrottetinen also face a complex authorization procedure?

Basic research with these substances has never been a problem. And even in medical use, things are in transition. Although the CBD as a precursor to cannabis is theoretically problematic, it is currently available for free. And the Federal Office of Public Health authorizes the prescription of cannabis for medical purposes in certain circumstances. As far as perrottetines are concerned, we have a different question anyway, because in the coming years, there will be no more questions of illegality and noise, but medical research.

Is it not conceivable that the trade of perrottetines on the Internet or in stores will begin to flourish – especially as a medical substance?

In fact, the problem with CBD and THC is that people try it, although the research still does not know how it works. With Perrottetinen, this problem hardly arises because it is too rare and too exotic to be marketed on a large scale.

If Perrottetine is the best THC, will the pharmaceutical industry jump?

Before participating in a clinical trial, you must invest a lot of money to clarify the toxicology. It will cost many millions, it would not work without the private sector – but it is a risk because a similar study could prove negative. That's the difference with the CBD: No matter who can say anything, there are few serious clinical trials. Our goal is to determine if perrottetins work better than THC. It will not be fast and easy.

What time horizon are we talking about?

Depending on the investment, it can take between two and five years.


Created: 25.10.2018, 08:40 am

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