Everything shows just – does Kim have secret nuclear facilities?


US intelligence agencies suspect the North Korean media of misleading President Donald Trump about his commitment to nuclear disarmament. Contrary to the promise made at the Trump meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un had been secretly raised in recent months, the enrichment of uranium for nuclear weapons, the NBC News TV channel citing US government circles.

Diet in Pyongyang in addition to Yongbyon treatment plant well-known several secret nuclear sites. "There is absolutely clear evidence that they are trying to deceive the United States," said a government official. The secret service of the CIA of the United States and the State Department did not want to comment.

No "total denuclearization"?

The latest intelligence badessment seems to contradict Trump's presentation, the broadcaster reported. Trump had said after the historic summit with Kim, on June 12, that the state in camera would no longer be exposed to a nuclear threat. Last week, the US president also said that North Korea had begun to destroy rocket installations and had already launched a "total denuclearization". In contrast, a US intelligence official told NBC: "The work continues to mislead us about the number of installations, the number of weapons, the number of missiles, and we are watching it closely . "

An agreement was signed whereby the leaders of Pyongyang agreed to work on a comprehensive program of nuclear disarmament for the Korean peninsula. Trump promised security guarantees in return. US critics have accused Trump of snatching Kim from too few concrete disarmament commitments.

Kim calls for a swift end to sanctions

In addition, according to an article in the press, Kim calls for a swift end to sanctions. North Korea's leaders during its recent visit to Beijing last month urged President Xi Jinping to quickly end economic sanctions against North Korea, the Japanese Yomiuri newspaper said on Sunday, quoting people close to the issue. Xi promised Kim "great efforts". Another sign of rapprochement, Sunday, for the first time in ten years, South Korea and North Korea have reopened a channel of naval communication, as announced by the Seoul government. In addition, after the summit, US joint military maneuvers with South Korea were canceled.

According to an article in the press, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is expected to visit North Korea next week. There he wanted to discuss planned nuclear disarmament, the Financial Times reported on Thursday, citing four people familiar with the project. US officials said the newspaper said Pompeo had canceled an official date in Washington on July 6 to fly to Pyongyang!

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