Faaker See – A2: the truck is ignited


<img src = "http://www.regionews.at/data/news/2018/07/04/184863/pic_600/Feuerwehr-Blaulicht_Symbolbild.jpg" clbad = "ls-bg" alt = "[879002] Photo of: Feuerwehr Blaulicht / Symbolbild

04 July


by Gerhard Repp
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A 31 year old man from Villach drove 04.07. 2018, at 08.50 am with his truck on the south A2 motorway from Villach coming towards Vienna.When he noticed a burning smell at the Faaker See alley, he parked the truck on the breach He noticed a fire in the area of ​​the left rear tire.The 31-year-old man tried to extinguish by extinguishing the fire, but he did not succeed.The truck and the cargo transported, the cars and the truck tires were burnt.The Villach's alarmed fire could still prevent the spread of flames on the noise barrier.The cause of the fire as well as the amount of damage suffered did not are not known and no one was injured by this incident.
The first lane and ramp of the A2 Südautobahn towards Vienna were closed to traffic during the operational period from 08:50 to 09:45. There was no congestion.

Source: LPD Carinthia

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